request - Assess API

Initialization Object

The Initialization object is a JSON object which is passed as the first parameter into the window.LearnosityAssess.init() method.

It includes all the information needed for Authentication, User Identification, Action Builder, and UI elements such as Table of Contents or various buttons. Only a few attributes are mandatory, the rest provide a high level of customization to enable you to tailor the Assessment experience to suit your needs.


= mandatory property

  • administration object

    Enables an administration panel with various control options.

  • configuration object

    Enables various customizations such as redirect URLs and reading time settings.

  • existing_session boolean

    By default, Assess API uses the value of the Activity state inside questionsApiActivity to determine whether current session is a new session, or is an existing session.

  • items array

    Array of Item objects.

  • metadata object

    Contains information related to the current session, such as the current time and the current Item, for example.

  • name string

    The name of the Activity that will be displayed in Learnosity's Reports API and Data API.

  • navigation object

    Customize navigational attributes are available to the user interacting with the player.

  • questionsApiActivity object

    Data from this object is passed to the Learnosity Questions API during initialization.

  • regions object

    Regions allows you to create a personalized, fluid and extensible assessment UI.

  • region_overrides RegionsObject

    Directly override the assessment player interface regions, region elements, or region element options.

  • responsive_regions boolean

    By default, the assessment player's regions are rendered to be responsive to different device screen resolutions.

  • subtitle string

    An optional test subtitle, which appears underneath the title in the player UI.

  • time object

    Used to define time parameters including countdown and expiry settings.

  • title string

    Optional test title which overrides the name property.

  • labelBundle object

    Specifies overrides for labels and text content shown in the assessment player.

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