regions - Initialization - Assess API

Assess API Initialization


Regions allows you to create a personalized, fluid and extensible assessment UI. The Assess API layout is split into multiple regions which you can customize components of your choice.

Available regions:

  • "top-left"
  • "top-right"
  • "right"
  • "items"
  • "bottom-right"

Note See the assess regions knowledge base article for additional configuration options.


"regions": {
    "top-left": [
            "type": "title_element"
    "top-right": [
            "type": "pause_button",
            "position": "right"
            "type": "timer_element"                },
            "type": "itemcount_element"
    "right": [
            "type": "save_button"
            "type": "fullscreen_button"
            "type": "separator_element"
            "type": "accessibility_button"
            "type": "calculator_button"
            "type": "verticaltoc_element"
            "type": "masking_button"
            "type": "next_button"
            "type": "previous_button"
    "items": [
            "type": "slider_element",
            "scrollable_option": false,
            "warning_on_change_option": false //will be deprecated soon
            "type": "progress_element"
    "bottom-right": [
            "type": "next_button"
            "type": "previous_button"


Attribute path regions

Type object

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