Assess API Initialization
"navigation": {
"auto_save": {
"changed_responses_only": false,
"save_interval_duration": 500,
"ui": true,
"warning_on_change": {
"disable_item_navigation": true
"warning_on_section_change": false,
"skip_submit_confirmation": false,
"show_intro": true,
"resource_items": ["resource"],
"intro_item": {
"content": "Hello world..."
"show_outro": true,
"outro_item": {
"content": "Goodbye!"
"show_acknowledgements": true,
"scroll_to_top": true,
"scroll_to_test": true,
"exit_securebrowser": true
Attribute path navigation
Type object
auto_save boolean object
Enable automatic saving of responses during assessment sessions.
warning_on_change boolean object
When navigating to the next Item, provide a warning message if the current Item has any Questions that do not yet have a response or do not achieve the minimum requirements.
warning_on_section_change boolean
When navigating to the next section, provide a confirmation message that explains, if users navigate to the next section, they will not be able to go back.
enable_arrowkey_item_change boolean
Enable the arrow keys for navigating forward and backward through Items.
exit_securebrowser boolean
Enable to exit the secure browser once the session is finished.
resource_items array
The resource item will show in the resource panel, after clicking the resource button in the right expanded menu.
intro_item boolean string object
Specifies an Item that will be initially rendered before the learner starts the assessment.
outro_item boolean string object
Specifies an Item that will be rendered at the end of the assessment, usually after the assessment has been submitted.
scrolling_indicator boolean
When enabled, shows a scrolling indicator at the bottom of the horizontal-fixed layout.
scroll_to_test boolean object
When enabled, this allows Assess API to scroll the page to the top of its assessment container when the session starts.
scroll_to_top boolean object
When enabled, this allows Assess API to scroll to the top of the container when the user navigates to the next or previous item.
show_acknowledgements boolean
Enable to show any acknowledgement of assets used in the test for copyright purposes.
show_intro boolean
Enable to show an introduction page.
show_outro boolean
Enable to show an outro page.
skip_submit_confirmation boolean
Enable to prevent any user interaction after clicking Finish/Submit test.