items - Initialization - Assess API

Assess API Initialization


Items to be used in the assessment. Each Item represents a single "page" within the assessment screens, each containing Questions and contents within.


"items": [
        "content": "<span class=\"learnosity-response question-widget1234\"></span>",
        "response_ids": [
        "feature_ids": [
        "workflow": "",
        "reference": "ccore_ccs_rabbit",
        "metadata": {
            "display_name": "CC Card Item"


Attribute path items

Type array[ItemObject]


  • ItemObject object

    • content string

      Content should contain a <span> element for each response_id in that Item, as well as any additional description or content.

    • response_ids array[string]

      Response IDs should be provided in the "QuestionApiActivity" to match the responses, Features, and <spans> provided.

    • feature_ids array[string]

      Feature IDs should be provided in the "QuestionApiActivity" to match the responses, Features, and <spans> provided.

    • reference string

      Reference should be a unique name to identify each Item.

    • metadata object

      Contains various Item metadata information such as default display name of the Item in the table of contents list.

                                              metadata: { display_name: "CC Card Item" }
    • workflow string

      A workflow can be added to allow for triggered events on certain actions.

this is a mandatory property.

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