Where do I Start?

To learn some basic details about Learnosity, look at the following:

Note: creating an app with Learnosity integration always requires software developers. It is not a turnkey platform or a "zero-code" solution.

Once you have a handle on the basics, Learnosity documentation can be found across three sites.

Documentation Sites

  • In Learnosity Help (you are here), the place to start searching, you'll find knowledge base articles and tutorials covering API capabilities, and our release, versioning, and support policies.
  • In Learnosity Author Guide, for content creators and educators, it's all about key authoring concepts, for those making education content for Learnosity.
  • In Learnosity Developer Documentation, for software developers, there is a section for each API, showing initialization options, public methods, and events. These pages contain the commands and syntax for creating applications with Learnosity.

Choosing a Software Architecture or Pattern

A detailed discussion of how to select a software architecture can be found in the Guides and Tutorials page.

Your First Line of Learnosity Code

To get your first code up and running, follow the quick-start guide, Getting Started with Items API.


Learnosity Help provides the best search experience, with auto-complete. If you're not sure what you're looking for, start here. 

Getting Support

If you're an existing Learnosity customer, you'll have access to our Support Helpdesk. Learn more about how to log in, raise tickets, and view your existing tickets in our Getting Support section.

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