These tutorials introduce the patterns for embedding and using the Learnosity APIs in your application.
Getting Started
T101 - Questions & Items
Learn how to create questions and items using the Learnosity Author site.
T102 - Create an Assessment
Use the Items API, in inline or assess mode, to create an assessment.
T103 - Display a Report
Generate session summary and detail reports on submitted assessments.
T201 - Question level Events & Methods
An overview of events and public methods that are question-specific, rather than assessment-wide.
T202 - Displaying Distractor Rationale
Show feedback at the question and/or response level.
T203 - Hints and Feedback
Show assessment question hints on demand.
T204 - Creating a Custom Report
Use the No-UI report setting to create your own custom "session average score" report.
T205 - Styling with CSS
Customize the look and feel of your assessments with CSS.