v2022.2.LTS Release Logs (End of Life)

End of Life

This version has now reached its end of life and will no longer receive any client-support fixes. Upgrade to a newer LTS to continue receiving the latest bug fixes.

Read more about the v2022.2.LTS release.
  • Released: 22nd June 2022
  • End of life: July 2024

15th January 2025

Bug fixes

4th December 2024

Bug fixes


  • Improvement: internal update to improve the stability of the system. (Data API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the stability of the system. (Events API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the stability of the system. (Reports API)

20th November 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug with Math Question Generator whereby fraction and decimal correct answer formats failed to validate correctly when the answer was zero. (Author API)


  • Improvement: internal update to improve the stability of the system. (Data API)

7th November 2024


  • Improvement: internal changes to improve application security. (Questions API)

10th October 2024


  • Improvement: enhanced overall system stability. (Reports API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Data API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the application. (Reports API)

26th September 2024


  • Improvement: updated vendors for security and compatibility. (Data API)

11th September 2024


  • Improvement: enhanced overall system stability. (Events API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Reports API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility, and performance. (Data API)
  • Improvement: updated vendors for security and compatibility. (Events API)

28th August 2024


  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Reports API)
  • Improvement: updated vendors for security and compatibility. (Events API)

14th August 2024


  • Improvement: internal update for library package compatibility. (Annotations API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Data API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Annotations API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Items API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Questions API)

17th July 2024

Bug fixes


  • Improvement: enhanced the stability of the Scoring endpoint. (Data API)
  • Improvement: internal update for library package compatibility. (Reports API)
  • Improvement: removed use of deprecated events to maintain compatibility. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: removed use of deprecated events to maintain compatibility. (Question Editor API)
  • Improvement: removed use of deprecated events to maintain compatibility. (Questions API)

19th June 2024


  • Improvement: Internal update to improve the security of the audio Question type's uploaded assets. (Questions API)

5th June 2024


  • Improvement: enhanced overall system stability. (Reports API)

22nd May 2024

Bug fixes


  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Data API)

8th May 2024

Bug fixes

13th March 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing adaptive assessment to fail to resume, when students exited the app without submitting on an Item that did not belong to the last step of the Item branching. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug in the session-detail-by-item report, where it failed when custom_widget_options was passed in the questions_api_init_options. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug that caused adaptive assessments to be resumed on the wrong Item position, when the client's self-hosted adaptive endpoint getNextItems failed. (Items API)


  • Improvement: Internal update to improve self hosted adaptive stability. (Items API)

14th February 2024


  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Questions API)

17th January 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Events API by adding styling and accessibility attributes of the iframe element, to position it off-screen and make it programmatically focusable, but visually hidden. (Events API)
  • Fixed a bug, causing draggable elements in the imageclozeassociationV2 Question type to disappear after dropping into any drop zone of the Question. This only occurred in the Safari 17+ for MacOS and Safari 16+ for iOS browsers. (Assess API)


  • Improvement: internal changes to improve the stability of the app. (Questions API)

6th December 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the response-analysis-by-item report, where it failed to show the Item name (specified in report init) in the hover state tooltip. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the scroll_to_top initialization option to not work correctly. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the polygon tool was not validating correctly when duplicate points existed within the main shape, and the setting Ignore repeated shapes: Compared by points was applied. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug with the label_bundle key, where it threw an error saying "No data for this report", even when label_bundle was included in a request during initialization. (Reports API)

22nd November 2023

Bug fixes

  • Added XSS sanitization to the Brightcove video player Feature. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug causing Questions API to throw an error when appending an element in a small or mobile screen, when the regions configuration was set to horizontal. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug when hotspot Question type was displaying correct answers in "review" state when showCorrectAnswers is set to false (Questions API)


  • Improvement: deprecated Brightcove as an option for the video player Feature. (Questions API)

1st November 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that was causing self-hosted adaptive assessments to be resumed on the previous Item, in slow network conditions. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug, to ensure that self-hosted adaptive assessments that have failed to fetch, are always resumed on the correct Item. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug, various issues where validation was giving unexpected results depending on the value set for the ignore_repeated_shapes option in the graphplotting Question type. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: internal changes to support future functionality. (Data API)


  • Improvement: added a new error code (10032) which fires when trying to call a public method on an app without a loaded Activity. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: added a warning when the Activity name exceeds 255 characters in length. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: added meaningful error information when fetching the next Item of an adaptive assessment. (Items API)
  • Improvement: enhanced the stability of self-hosted adaptive assessments when the should_rewind option was set to false, by ensuring the assessment progress is persisted correctly before navigating users to the next Item. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: updated XSS protection. (Questions API)

27th September 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the vertical table of contents and side menu buttons to overlap. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where screen reader support for Item flagging and attempted status were not properly supported. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the token highlight Question type wouldn't render fully when calling the render public method. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug, where calling the reset method wouldn't stop playback of audio. (Assess API)


  • Improvement: internal changes to support future functionality. (Reports API)
  • Improvement: upgraded the stability of the audio Question type. (Questions API)

6th September 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Learnosity APIs initialized within an Android WebView would fail to authenticate. (Annotations API)
  • Fixed a bug where Learnosity APIs initialized within an Android WebView would fail to authenticate. (Author API)
  • Fixed a bug where Learnosity APIs initialized within an Android WebView would fail to authenticate. (Data API)
  • Fixed a bug where Learnosity APIs initialized within an Android WebView would fail to authenticate. (Events API)
  • Fixed a bug where Learnosity APIs initialized within an Android WebView would fail to authenticate. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug where Learnosity APIs initialized within an Android WebView would fail to authenticate. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where Learnosity APIs initialized within an Android WebView would fail to authenticate. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug which caused unnecessary log entries. (Question Editor API)

16th August 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the session-detail-by-question report, where it would request the latest version of Questions API, no matter which version of Reports API was being used. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug in the hotspot Question types where selecting hotspots wouldn't show the correct selection/deselection states. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the mcq and imageclozeformula Question types, when math or formula content was included, a horizontal scroll bar rendered at the Question container if the content exceeded the container width. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where an error from an adaptive backend was reported with error code 10018. It is now correctly reported as 50006. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug where content was missing for the Spoken Math element of clozeformula and formulaV2 Question types in the resume state. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where recorded video would fail to upload when clients used API endpoints from regions different to the region of their consumer. (Questions API)


  • Improvement: internal update to control requests going to inactive customer accounts. (Annotations API)
  • Improvement: internal update to control requests going to inactive customer accounts. (Author API)
  • Improvement: internal update to control requests going to inactive customer accounts. (Data API)
  • Improvement: internal update to control requests going to inactive customer accounts. (Events API)
  • Improvement: internal update to control requests going to inactive customer accounts. (Items API)
  • Improvement: internal update to control requests going to inactive customer accounts. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: internal update to control requests going to inactive customer accounts. (Reports API)

9th August 2023


  • Improvement: internal changes to support new session storage technologies. (Data API)

26th July 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the index labels of the hotspot Question type to stay on the screen when learners attempt the Question after the public method validate() is called. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the live-activitystatus-by-user report, where the report opened dropdown menu collapsed when it received events. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug that in rare cases caused an exception when the learner selects and deletes the entire response in the longtextV2 Question type containing rich code editor content. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where all content was deleted when justifying content containing lists in the longtextV2 Question type. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the 'next' button did not work if a section contained only one Item, when next_button.enable_basic_next_option was enabled. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the screen reader gave incorrect information when the 'check answer' button was pressed. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug, adding voiceover for announcing correct, incorrect, unattempted, unmarked statuses in the session-detail-by-itemreport. (Reports API)


  • Improvement: Added an outline to shapes when they are focused, to meet accessibility requirements for the hotspot Question type. (Questions API)

29th June 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the activity-summary-by-group report, where it would throw an error when handling a null field value. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug where the maximum character limit was not correctly calculated in the longtextV2 Question type. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug, an error in the header element in the resources dialog for screen reader users, when Item content started with a Feature type and the screen reader would read out the generic label of 'Feature'. (Assess API)


  • Improvement: internal changes to improve the stability of the app. (Questions API)

7th June 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing custom_button element labels to disappear in tablet view. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug causing only one custom_button element to be visible in tablet view. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the client could not override the remaining time of an assessment through the config.time.max_time init option for Activity configuration. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug, preventing the longtextV2 Question type from occasionally throwing a 'wrong document' error in the console. (Questions API)


  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security of the app. (Author API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security of the app. (Question Editor API)
  • Improvement: prevented third party tools like Text Help from hijacking the content of the passage Feature's pagination toolbar. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: updates to internal consumer configuration. (Data API)

17th May 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the drawing Question type tools' drawing positions in Safari browser to be offset incorrectly, when the transform: scale CSS was applied. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where identical correct answer options caused duplicate response options to appear in the imageclozeassociationV2 Question type. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the drag handle icon was incorrectly shown in the response area of the image cloze association Question type. (Questions API)


  • Improvement: implemented backend changes required for upcoming feature (Events API). (Events API)
  • Improvement: internal changes to support future functionality (Reports API). (Reports API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Annotations API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Data API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Items API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the stability of the adaptive engine when new adaptive sessions are created. (Items API)

27th April 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the 'next' button to be enabled, when the user had reached the last Item of a section assessment with next_button.enable_basic_next_option enabled. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug in the item-scores-by-tag-by-user report, where it didn't show scores for complex multi-level Tag structures. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug in the live-activitystatus-by-user report, where the report showed incorrect status information for active students. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug where the resources dialog was not gaining the focus when the hamburger menu was active. (Assess API)


  • Improvement: implemented backend changes required for upcoming feature. (Annotations API)
  • Improvement: implemented backend changes required for upcoming feature. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: implemented backend changes required for upcoming feature. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app (Annotations API)
  • Improvement: internal update to improve the security and stability of the app. (Items API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance (Events API). (Events API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance (Reports API) (Reports API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Data API)

29th March 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in a dependency library which caused the video Question type to sometimes throw an error when using the scrubber. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the mcq Question type where the options were not reflowing correctly when multiple columns were present. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the submit activity confirmation page which was rendering partially outside the top of the browser's window in full screen mode. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug that caused improper rendering of simple features in draggable Items within drag and drop Questions, if there was math content set inside them. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where calling the setPosition() method for sticky note instances was not updating the location and causing the sticky note to detach from the mouse pointer when dragging. (Annotations API)
  • Fixed a bug where keyboard navigation for the graphplotting Question type did not reach the boundary of the graphing plane for some settings. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the validated event did not fire when Questions were validated. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the item:beforeunload event did not fire when navigating between Items inside of a section. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the graphplotting Question type with a grid consisting of non-integer coordinates was not accessible for keyboard or screen reader users. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the timer was showing a warning red/pink background when the timer had not reached the warning time after resuming the assessment. (Assess API)


  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance (Question Editor API). (Question Editor API)

8th March 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where point labels on charts overlapped with x-axis labels if the point labels were too long. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where reattempting a video Question type failed when the user stopped the current recording and then quickly selected the record button again. (Questions API)


  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Author API)
  • Improvement: version bump to align versioning and consolidate fixes into v2.186.15. (Questions API)

15th February 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the response drag icon of the imageclozeassociationV2 Question type to be missing, after moving that response into a drop zone. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the live-activitystatus-by-user report, where the report doesn't show correct status when the assessment is not open. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug in the response-analysis-by-item report, where it showed an error for Items which have Features only. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug with the hotspot Question type that caused the page to scroll when selecting or deselecting a hotspot. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug with the hotspot Question type where a focus outline would appear when deselecting a hotspot. This should reduce ambiguity about whether a hotspot is still selected. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug with the hotspot Question type where a user could still interact with hotspots in review and preview modes. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug with the hotspot Question type where multiple hotspots at a time could show focus outlines. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug with the hotspot Question type where the browser default outlines were appearing when focused on hotspots. These outlines will now only appear when the Question is in review mode. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: internal changes to improve the stability of the app. (Assess API)

31st January 2023

Bug fixes

14th December 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing an inconsistent border state in the hotspot Question type when users selected then unselected any hotspot Item. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in cloze chemistry formula, chemistry essay with rich text and chemistry formula Question types that rendered mathematics in italics. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug in adaptive assessments session management, where states could get out of sync, preventing learner from resuming their session, and reports from being accurately rendered. This is done by automatically saving every Item on the item:changed event. Please contact support to enable this new behavior. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug in adaptive assessments where the session did not match up with the point when learners resumed from their last session. Introduced a new flag save_on_next that saves the adaptive session when the item:changed event is triggered and the should_rewind attribute is false. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug in adaptive sessions where the font-size changed when learners navigated through to an Item. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the video Question type to stop working in the Safari browser on iOS, iPad and Mac. This Question type is now fully supported in all major browsers and devices. (Questions API)

23rd November 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the bottom region to render incorrectly, when the application was in tablet or desktop mode. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug in the cloze chemistry formula, chemistry formula, chemistry essay with rich text and cloze image chemistry Question type s, that showed chemical expressions in italics instead of plain text. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug that was not hiding the Reports API HTML iframe from screen readers. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug where a 'memory exhausted' error would be thrown when decoding a large JSON value. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where disabled buttons in the toolbar of the graph plotting Question type were undiscoverable for screen reader users. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where querying Questions led to a timeout. (Data API)
  • Fixed a bug where the translations for global help were retrieved using the wrong keys. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug, which was throwing an error when calling the reset method. (Assess API)

2nd November 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the response-analysis-by-item report, where total score was inaccurate due to rounding off to the nearest integer. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug in the cloze dropdown and image dropdown Question type s where the shuffling of response options occurred in an identical manner across all dropdowns. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the Question Editor, where tabbing through response positions incorrectly set the data to null. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where creating and updating an Item could result in incorrectly-formatted date created and date updated values. (Author API)

12th October 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the seek public methods for the videoplayer and audioplayer feature types. The seek method now sets the video player and the audio player to the desired progress, even when the player has not been played. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug that created an empty Item when resuming an Activity that was on the last section. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug that was causing issues with the .border CSS class name. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug where self-hosted adaptive errors were logged incorrectly as HTTP 500 errors. They will now logged correctly as HTTP 503 errors. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug where the sharedpassage feature type was not being rendered in two column layout in Item Branching Adaptive Assessments. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the screen reader was not reading out the exposed visible label when the assistive label configuration exposed_visible_label was set to false and had no label. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug whereby Math Scoring Exceptions caused UI validation errors. (Questions API)

20th September 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing Questions API to fail in validating Question types like association correctly, when the possible responses contained invalid HTML data. (Questions API)

14th September 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the last-score-single , sessions-list reports, where it showed an incorrect percentage for scores with decimal. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug when using the Enable scrolling for long content layout setting in the Author Site, which caused two scrollbars to render in the test. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where assistive labels in the multiple choice Question type could be navigated by the screen reader when the disable_spokenmath_distractors setting was set to true. This was not the intended behavior. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where scoring was made impossible if the value of the valid response was an empty array. (Question Editor API)


  • Improvement: fixed an accessibility warning for the mcq Question type when the role conflicts with other ARIA attributes. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: internal changes to improve error reporting. (Annotations API)
  • Improvement: removed the content field from the Item search toolbar for Item Banks that aren't using Elasticsearch. (Author API)

24th August 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in one of our vendors where the video Question types would sometimes throw an error when using the scrubber. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug whereby validation indicators were missing for the numberlineplot Question type. (Questions API)


  • Improvement: updated an error message for the audio recording Question type and validation, to provide more readily actionable information. (Questions API)

3rd August 2022

Bug fixes

  • Added new hover and drag icon states for the Line reader. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the lastscore-by-activity-by-user , lastscore-by-activity , lastscore-by-tag-by-user reports, where it showed an incorrect percentage when scoring_type: "partial". (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug in the response-analysis-by-item report, where sometimes the report failed to render correctly in the detail view and reported JavaScript errors when trying to display an Item with no attempted questions. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug in the session-detail-by-question , session-detail-by-item reports, where scores were getting truncated in score circle when the character count of the score was greater than five. Now the score circle will expand to match the width of the scores. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug where dynamic data table values containing tabs prevented assessments from loading correctly. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug where audio recording was not working in some situations, for e.g. a countdown configured with actions "Start recording" would not work when an Item had loaded. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where grouped response titles with HTML entities didn't render properly. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the shuffle_items init option stopped working with sections, when there was only a global shuffle_items configuration. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug where the checkbox's "Check answer button" label, the "Check answer attempts" and the "Penalty point(s)" number input fields were not showing in the "More options" section of the graphing Question types. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug, concerning multiple issues for the Line reader where the drag handle, window resize and mask resize buttons didn't calculate the correct page coordinates. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug, correcting CSS in borderless tables to enable VoiceOver. Previously, screen readers could not find or read borderless tables in rich text fields. (Questions API)


  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Author API)

13th July 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where an annotation made in assess view and then subsequently viewed in inline view was rendered misaligned to the assess view. (Items API)
  • Fixed a bug whereby some very old browser versions couldn't load new scoring changes. (Questions API)


  • Improvement: internal changes to improve the stability of the app. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Author API)

22nd June 2022


  • Added masking_button element to be visible in all Learnosity default regions. (Author API)
  • Added ARIA-labels for the Question type buttons and tooltips for the close button in modal windows. (Author API)
  • Added a section_number to reflect the current active section, when the assessment player is being controlled by a proctor. (Assess API)
  • Added a deprecation warning to the /itembank/activities/templates endpoint. (Data API)
  • Added a feature to allow time extensions set by Proctors to be reflected correctly, when resuming an assessment. (Assess API)
  • Added a message explaining that the video question type is not supported in the Mac and iPadOS Safari browser. (Questions API)
  • Added a message explaining that the video question type is not supported in the Mac and iPadOS Safari browser. (Questions API)
  • Added a new masking_button element to be visible in all Learnosity default regions. (Assess API)
  • Added assistive labels to the multiple choice Question type, so that screen reader software will able to navigate and read the input fields with assistive labels. (Questions API)
  • Added support for the binomial coefficient symbol in the keypad. (Question Editor API)
  • Added support for the binomial coefficient symbol in the keypad. (Questions API)
  • Added the visual indication on Line Reader drag handles to properly indicate active and focused states, and make the drag button focused when it first opens. (Questions API)
  • Added tooltips for the buttons which only have an icon. (Question Editor API)
  • Improvement: various accessibility enhancements made to the line reader Feature, allowing users to move the line reader around using the keyboard arrow keys. (Questions API)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in all of the chart Question types where the color of the text wasn't updated properly when the user set a different colour scheme from the accessibility options in Assess API. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug in the graphplotting Question type where using the "Ignore repeated shapes" option with "Compare by slope" would incorrectly preserve the points of a duplicated shape during scoring. Repeated shapes and their associated points are correctly handled now while also preserving any user created points. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the graphplotting Question type where using the "Ignore repeated shapes" option with "Compare by slope" would validate incorrectly when objects and points were plotted incorrectly and then moved to the correct positions. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the session-detail-by-item report, where sometimes the report rendered incorrectly when there were two session-detail-by-item reports loaded on the same page. (Reports API)
  • Fixed a bug in the graphplotting Question type where some keyboard interactions with the graph using the Space or Enter keys resulted in an error. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the Drawing question type where a text button was added multiple times. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug in the all the Charts question types where the color of the text wasn't updated properly when the user set a different colour scheme from the accessibility options in Assess API. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the countdown timer when the record button was pressed in the audio recorder Question type. The countdown would freeze after pausing. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the countdown timer when the record button was pressed in the audio recorder Question type. The countdown would freeze after pausing. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug in the internal building to improve the stability of the codebase (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug so that when adding a Brightcove video feature, the user prompt 'Brightcove Embedded Data is required!' is now assigned a label: videoBrightcoveEmbeddedDataRequired for the user message to be customised to a prescribed language and / or message. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug that Rulers (6 and 12 inches) don't line up to be the same. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the token highlight Question type's left border to be cut off when rendered inside a shared passage. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the volume slider in the audio player to move the focus back to the volume button after closing the volume slider, when using a screen reader or VoiceOver. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug that learner could avoid a hard submit by clicking the review button. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug that stopped a 'Skip to resources' label from rendering on a custom start page (intro_item) when resource_items was added. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug that the arrow keyboard event listeners are not aligned in the right-to-left mode. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug that the arrow keyboard event listeners were not aligned in right-to-left mode. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Assess API to fail at load time, when the options sections time and configuration.events: true were set, while the global time was undefined. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug when navigating the calculators using keyboard arrow keys, where the behaviour was unexpected. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where treatLettersAsVariables in subscripts is not handled correctly causing a scoring error. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where MathJax threw an error if certain elements did not contain child nodes. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where Rulers (6 and 12 inches) didn't render units in the same size. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where XSS content elements could be injected into longtextV2 question types by copying and pasting from RTF-like sources such as code editors. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where a Cannot read properties of undefined error would be thrown when a Question's attempt status changed. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where a semicolon at the end of tokenised text was handled incorrectly. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where colour contrast in the asset uploader's error messages, the Item & Activity status badges as well the Item preview's "Show answers" button were not compliant with WCAG level AA accessibility standards. (Author API)
  • Fixed a bug where initializing Questions API with the show_distractor_rationale init option set to true would cause classification to crash, if validation wasn't set. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to set a translation for a space in the select drop down. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where overriding the label bundle of one Author API instance would affect other instances when running multiple instances on the same page. (Author API)
  • Fixed a bug where screen readers would read the audio player play button as a list element. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the "Sentence", "Paragraph" and "Word" tokenization types did not correctly apply the tokens. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where the "Sentence", "Paragraph" and "Word" tokenization types were still being rendered in English in the "Apply tokenization" confirmation dialog, regardless of the i18n label bundle supplied. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where the section:changed event would not trigger properly when users navigated between Items or sections. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the section:changed event would not trigger properly when users navigated between Items or sections. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the administration panel showed an unnecessary message, saying Incorrect password. Please try again before submitting the password. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the Cloze chemistry formula, Cloze math formula, Math [BETA] and fill in the blanks question types were missing their type. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where the Edit/Preview button was missing the type="button" attribute. (Author API)
  • Fixed a bug where the Edit/Preview button was missing the type="button" attribute. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where the Masking button was disabled when the first item was maskable. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the UI Settings label for the audio player feature was not able to be overridden via the initialization options. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where the arrow keyboard event listeners were not aligned in right-to-left mode. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the audio recorder would not start recording, when a countdown was set incorrectly to an integer less than one. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug where the bottom regions shifted unexpectedly, when the user exited full screen mode. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the case_sensitive attribute was present by default in the source of Question types imageclozeassociationV2, imageclozedropdown, imageclozeassociationV2 and imageclozedropdown. (Question Editor API)
  • Fixed a bug where the pause dialog window was not showing, when the timer was configured in a section. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug where the resource dialog didn't open when first entering and exiting full screen. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug, an issue that would intermittently occur when exiting full screen mode. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug, an issue where the timer in a resumed section would be reset, if the browser was refreshed multiple times. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug, correcting some broken styles that were appearing with modal windows. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug, improving XSS protection. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug, preventing against malicious XSS content. (Questions API)
  • Fixed a bug, where a proctor's modal would show an errant ‘NaN’ report of the timer when max_time was set in a session. It now correctly counts down when item sections are set. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug, where the auto_save function being executed would cause any paused video or audio recordings to be stopped. The auto_save function will now only execute when recordings are already stopped. (Assess API)
  • Fixed a bug, where the timer in a section would get reset after the assessment was resumed or refreshed. (Assess API)
  • Fixed the visual indication on calculator drag handles to properly indicate active and focused states, and make the drag button focused when it first opens. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: fixed accessibility issues on the math keypad information dialog. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: fixed behavior of links so that they aren't all treated as "_blank", and that they instead use the target attribute as it is defined in the DOM. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: updated ARIA-labels of the arrows inside the math keypad. (Questions API)
  • Mathcore v1.78.2 (Questions API)


  • Fixed a bug, where the user could not navigate to next section after the section time expired, if the config_time limit_type was set to hard and shuffle_items was enabled. (Items API)
  • Improvement: Upgraded Learnosity design system packages to support the rounded corners in the check answer button. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: added instructions on how to navigate the calculator and made inactive buttons still discoverable for accessibility. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: applied rounded corners to Learnosity Design System (LDS) buttons with LDS styles. (Author API)
  • Improvement: better XSS prevention. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: changed ARIA-label for "Equals" to match the symbol in the calculator. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: changed the default value of ui.change_button to be false, to discourage changing widgets as it may have unintended side affects. (Question Editor API)
  • Improvement: enabled ordering of possible responses via the keyboard. (Question Editor API)
  • Improvement: internal changes to support future functionality. (Events API)
  • Improvement: internal changes to support future functionality. (Reports API)
  • Improvement: internal improvements to prepare the groundwork for an upcoming feature. (Data API)
  • Improvement: removed the comment DOM node from longtextV2 when users paste the content from Windows OS web browsers into the Learnosity editor. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: removed the comment DOM node from longtextV2 when users paste the content from Windows OS web browsers into the Learnosity editor. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: replaced the 'Check Answer' button with the Learnosity design system button. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: replaced the Item settings data table continue and edit buttons, as well as the action builder add action button, with the Learnosity Design System buttons. (Author API)
  • Improvement: updated ARIA-labels of the cursor movement arrows inside the math keypad. (Question Editor API)
  • Improvement: updated ARIA-labels of the cursor movement arrows inside the math keypad. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Data API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Items API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Question Editor API)
  • Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: updated internal processes to maintain stability and performance. (Data API)
  • Improvement: updated internal template libraries. (Author API)
  • Improvement: updated the color contrast of the voice level for the audio recorder Question type and made the hit area bigger for the text version audio player. (Questions API)
  • Improvement: updated theme colors for improved accessibility. (Assess API)
  • Improvement: updated vendors for security and compatibility. (Question Editor API)

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