Items API Initialization
Automatically scrolls the browser window so that it is aligned with the top of the assessment player when the learner navigates to another Item.
You would want to specify this option to improve the learner experience with Items that contain multiple Questions, requiring the learner to scroll down to see the content. Then when the learner navigates to another Item, their viewport will scroll to the top of the assessment player.
// Scrolls the host page to the assessment player when the current Item has changed
var initializationOptions = {
"config": {
"navigation": {
"scroll_to_top": true
// Scroll above the assessment player by 20 pixels when the current Item has changed
var initializationOptions = {
"config": {
"navigation": {
"scroll_to_top": {
"offset_top": -20
Attribute path config.navigation.scroll_to_top
Default true
Type boolean
Set to
to scroll to the top of the assessment player without any additional offset.Set to
to disable the auto-scrolling functionality. -
Type object
offset_top number
Scroll to the top of the assessment player with an additional offset as a pixel value.
This setting is useful when you have additional content to display that is above the assessment player.
Related articles
- The
initialization option, which brings the assessment player into view by automatically scrolling the browser window when the session starts.