30th June 2022
We’re helping you level-up assessment inclusivity with a more advanced line reader, increased STEM capabilities, and a variety of authoring enhancements.
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The journey towards inclusivity in assessment is never ending—and that’s why we’ll always help you take big steps forward.
Calculator enhancements
Screen reader and keyboard-only controls are high-priority features, so we've just added keyboard-only calculator positioning, a line-skipping enhancement for screen readers, and a larger touchscreen-friendly close button.


Improved operability in the line reader
Our line reader feature is now capable of keyboard-only positioning and resizing. We’ve also added a drag button for pointer devices and made drag-and-drop operations more intuitive.

Improved perceivability for charts
We’ve updated our chart question types to improve content readability when different color schemes are set. These schemes can offer comfort to those who need higher contrast, or prefer 'dark' modes.


More understandable assessment experiences
In our efforts to make assessments more comprehensible, we’ve made voice announcements for buttons more descriptive on the calculator and keypad, as well as improved the volume control of the audio player.

Authoring accessibility roundup
Content creators are also benefiting from several accessibility updates. We've added keyboard support for possible responses selection, tooltips for non-text icons, as well as ARIA labels for text buttons and question tiles.

One of our popular features helps learners remove the noise from their assessment experience—so we’ve just made it easier for you to use.

Eliminate distractions, sharpen focus
Answer masking allows learners to hide responses they know to be incorrect. Within the Items API user interface, this feature is now available by default for the three regions-based presets: main, horizontal, and horizontal-fixed.

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What are Long Term Support (LTS) releases?
Long Term Support (LTS) versions (such as this one) are major Learnosity releases. Three times a year, we release a package of unified, supported versions of our APIs. See our documentation for more information.
Upgrading? Read the migration guide
Get detailed technical instructions on what you'll need to do when upgrading, in the migration guide for this release.
Stability Enhancements
See all the enhancements we’ve made in our latest Long Term Supported Release.
Read the release notes
Read the release notes
End of Life (EoL) Announcement
The following LTS versions will soon move into End of Life status:
- v2020.2.LTS enters EoL on July 13th, 2022