getTime - Methods - Items API

Items API Methods


Returns the current elapsed time, in seconds, for the assessment.

You would want to use this method so that you can show a popup dialog window for the learner at a specific time in the assessment, when they have 30 seconds left, for example.

Important This method only works when the rendering_type initialization option is set to "assess".


var currentTime = itemsApp.getTime();


  • options object

    • currentSection boolean

      When using sections in the assessment player, passing true will return the elapsed time of the current active section.

Return value

Type integer

Current elapsed time of the assessment in seconds.


When using sections configured with different time options, the returned value is the total elapsed time of all sections combined.

Related articles

  • The time initialization option, used to configure all time related settings for the assessment.
  • The time:change event, the event that fires once every second while the assessment is not paused.
  • The time:end event, the event that fires when the assessment's max_time has elapsed.
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