time.end - Events - Assess API

Assess API Events


Fires when the assessment's max_time has elapsed. The max_time is a configurable time limit.

You would want to be notified about this event firing, so that you can take some action, such as communicating with the learner that their time is up, for example. The next event that follows would be test:submit if the assessment has been configured with a "hard" limit_type.


itemsApp.on('time:end', function () {
    console.log('This code executes when the max time for the assessment has elapsed.');


This event will only fire when the max_time initialization option is configured.

Related articles

  • The max_time initialization option, because this must be set to allow this event to fire.
  • The time:change event, the event that fires once every second while the assessment is not paused.
  • The test:submit event, the event that follows immediately after time:end.
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