A brand new look with even more flexibility for your Authors
Yet another reason to love the Learnosity Author Site! As well as having a cleaner, refreshed look, your authors will benefit from improved configuration options and access controls; making their day-to-day responsibilities easier and more intuitive than ever before.
Cleaner, faster, and more intuitive
What do all authors want? The most intuitive tools available that enable them to do their job faster, and with more precision. Our new Author Site offers just that and more; helping you to empower your authoring team and speed up onboarding processes.
Authors with visual impairments will benefit from a refined color contrast. A responsive UI is included to cater for a range of display resolutions. All while providing an improved authoring experience that’s faster, smoother, and more intuitive.
Figure 1: the new responsive user interface supports a range of screen resolutions.
Improved access control and configuration
The new Author Site enables you to configure user interface options that are made available to your authors, giving you full flexibility and control where you need it. Using Console, you can able read and write permissions for your authors. The Authoring Permission Groups section in Console allows you to control the Items available to your authors, based on Tags, Users, or Status. Combine this with the Item review workflow feature to streamline your review processes.
Figure 2: administering authoring permisssion groups in Learnosity Console.
Differences between the old and new Author Sites:
The main difference between the old site and new site is around the Item Edit section where the menu options are now to the left of the Item edit section in the new site as opposed to being to the right of the Item edit section in the old site.
Figure 3: the updated Item edit screen in the new Author Site.
The Item settings option has been removed and are replaced by the left Item menu options in the new Author Site. All menu options except the history in the New Author site can be controlled for visibility and can be customized to hide or disable specific fields through the Author API init options.
The Item menu option now completely overlays the Item preview or edit screens so you have more space to work on Item related metadata such as the description, notes, and Tags, or to configure the Item using dynamic data or actions.
Figure 4: Item menu options in the new Author Site.
The always available floating Author Guide menu option acts as a quick reference and helps authors to understand the authoring tools better.
The top menu has minor changes to the Item bank selector which has moved to the centre in the new Author Site, and the log out option which is now in your user drop-down menu.
Figure 5: Log out option in the new Author Site.
Both the top menu and the Item menu have accessible color contrast and responsive elements to adapt to different screen sizes.
Figure 6: responsive menu options in the new Author Site.
The new Author Site also has exclusive support for new features like AB standards integration, Author API based Activity Editor and Item review workflow, which are either not available in the old site, or not fully supported.
The new Author Site also supports using the Author API based Activity editor which has features like multiple Item Bank support, creation of Items within Activities and integration with Permission Groups.
Note: You need to be on API version v2019.3.LTS or later to have the new Author Site enabled for your Item Bank. To access the new Author Site, send a request to Learnosity Support. Customers who have signed with Learnosity after 30th January, 2020 will already have these changes by default.