Customizing Layout Presets With the Author API

Authors can select from predefined layouts (Presets) based on regions for the assessment player while creating their Activities in Author API.

These presets define the various options such as full screen, calculator, navigation buttons for going to the next or previous Item in the assessment, and so on. For more information on what's available in each of these presets, please visit our help article on Customizing the Assessment Player experience with User Interface Regions.  The standard template maps to the main preset, the long content template maps to the horizontal preset and the long content with sticky footer maps to the horizontal-fixed preset.

You can also have your custom template defined for the Activities being created.

Authors can now customize their favorite preset when selecting for an Activity to have greater control of excluding player options defined in the preset, with an easy to use UI to customize the student experience. Simply select the preset and click Show options next to the selected preset to un-check any player options you would want to remove from the player.

The ability to customize the layout presets can be controlled through the customize_presets initialization option of Author API. 



Figure 1: Customizing the player options for the standard preset.

Authors can also enable specific annotation tools in their activities. This option can controlled through the annotations initialization option of Author API.  Read more information about the annotation tools here.


Figure 2: Enabling annotation tools for the selected preset.

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