2019.2.LTS Release Announcement

3 July 2019
Everyone likes to read about nice things, especially when they help make life that bit easier –
like our latest batch of releases.
============================ ASSESS ============================
Another new Question type, another accommodations tool, and more new
accessibility enhancements.
Get creative with the new Drawing Question type
Designed for flexibility, our brand-new Drawing Question includes new compass, line, and eraser tools that enable complex geometric constructions. Users can also draw freehand over background images.

Help students find their focus
The new line reader tool makes it easier for students to concentrate on a single line of text in longer passages. This accessibility enhancement can be added to a single Question or to all Questions within an Activity.

ARIA label advancements
We’ve added ARIA label authoring functionality to all cloze Question types to give students using screen readers more context between stimulus and input fields.
Navigate our rating Question type more easily
Our rating Question type is now more screen-reader friendly too, with clear-cut keyboard navigation, added ARIA labels, and UI refinements (such as the ability to hide the info panel).
Simplify math keypads for greater clarity
Give learners a cleaner, clearer math keypad to work with by offering a simple customized UI of up to two rows and five columns.


=========================== AUTHOR ============================
Our new Author API enhancements enable a smoother, more flexible overall content creation process.
Create and edit Items in one place
We’ve made it possible to create and edit Items within the Activity Editor – meaning course instructors can create quick, in-class assessments without having to toggle between environments.
Take control of test navigation
Set the pace of tests with our Action Builder. Choose the events that trigger actions, such as video/audio plays, recordings, and more. Ideal for early learners or high-stakes, compliance, and language testing.
Easily maintain Tags and keep content organized
Tag allowlisting lets you control what Tags authors can view and use. It also makes it far easier for developers to maintain Tags and keep content segregated if your Item bank is being used by several customers.
Customize preset templates
Authors can now customize their favorite pre-configured Activity templates to better suit student needs via an easy-to-use UI.
Set a clearer UI path by customizing labels
We’ve added the ability to change existing labels in the Activity Editor so authors can rename buttons and menu items as they see fit (e.g. turn something apathetic like “Next” into something more engaging like “Progress”).
Add more clarity to Items
Make Item management easier and collaboration more efficient by adding in-depth metadata such as source, notes, and descriptions.
Calculate scores on Items in more ways
You can now configure how scores on Items are calculated in three ways: per Question, dichotomously, or dependently (EBSR).


========================= ANALYZE ==========================
Improvements that simplify reporting at scale and broaden the scope for
adaptive learning.
Effortlessly update aggregate reports
Large-scale aggregate reports are now easier for developers to implement and manage. Create your data set once, and refresh when you want an update.
Bring-your-own adaptive algorithms
Take control of adaptive testing using our new custom algorithm support. Learnosity scores each student response in real time, then sends the result to your adaptive engine to calculate the next test Item.
Access raw learning outcomes data
You can now pull raw data from the learning outcomes report, just like our other report types. Use it to power your own visualizations, build rich dashboards, or provide a teacher export.


========================== UPGRADING ==========================

What are Long Term Support (LTS) releases?

Long Term Support (LTS) versions (such as this one) are major Learnosity releases, shipping every four months. Each February, June, and October we will be releasing a package of unified, supported versions of our APIs.
See our documentation for more information.

Note for clients who override "H3" heading levels in modal windows

In order to comply with WCAG recommendations, we have changed modal heading levels from <h3> to <h2>. If you are currently overriding any Learnosity <h3> headings in modal windows in your product, you will need to update these to <h2>. Please contact Learnosity support if you need more information.