Learnosity Releases Overview

Developer releases

At Learnosity, we release a new version of our codebase every three weeks, providing a constant stream of innovations based on sprints. 

This "developer" version should only be used for in-development systems targeting a production release using the next Long Term Support release (see further details) or for testing upcoming features while in development.

See the release logs pages for details of the most recent "developer" release. 

Long-term support (LTS) releases

LTS releases occur three times a year and are designed for production use. Stable, secure, and with a reliable lifespan of two years, the LTS releases can be relied upon as a foundation for your product.

See a list of LTS releases, or for information about we define LTS versions, see What are Long Term Support Releases?

For more information about the LTS version lifespan and end-of-life, see Release Cadence and Version Lifecycle.

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