Building Item Branching Assessments

Note: when designing the tree for Item branching, you cannot use Items more than once, i.e. Items cannot be re-used.

    "adaptive": {

Type of adaptive behavior.

In itembranching, the next item is selected based on responses to previous items, according to a pre-configured path provided in this configuration.

type string
options itembranching
    "type": "itembranching",

An item branching assessment comprises an array of steps. Steps can define the reference of items to present to the student when visited, or decisions to select which branch to visit next.

Only item steps result in items being presented to the student, decision steps are executed in the backend until the next item step is visited.

type array of step objects:

The assessment starts at the first step defined in the array, which should be an item step. The order of the rest of the array does not matter.

    "steps": [

The most basic step provides an item reference to be presented to the student when visited, as well as an unconditional pointer to the next step.

type object
  • id: the identifier of this step to reference from other steps
  • reference: the reference of the item to present to the user
  • next: either null (end of the assessment), the id of the next step, or an object (see below)
        "id": "step-1",
        "reference": "item-reference-1",
        "next": "step-2"

As before, a basic step providing an item reference, along with a conditional decision based on whether the student answered correctly or not.

type object
  • (As above, except the following)
  • next: simple object with correct/incorrect attributes.
    • correct: either null (end of the assessment) or the id of the next step
    • incorrect: either null (end of the assessment) or the id of the next step
        "id": "step-2",
        "reference": "item-reference-2",
        "next": {
            "correct": "global-decision-step-1",
            "incorrect": "step-3"

Specify a binary decision, depending on whether the total score is at least some ratio of the maximum achievable so far, or not.

type object
  • id: the identifier of this step to reference from other steps
  • type: must be global-score
  • percentage: an integer between 0 and 100 representing the cut-off ration of the maximum score
  • >=: either null (end of the assessment) or the id of the next step
  • <: either null (end of the assessment) or the id of the next step
        "id": "global-decision-step-1",
        "type": "global-score",
        "percentage": 50,
        ">=": null,
        "<": "step-4"

Finally, for the configuration to be valid, all steps referenced in others steps must be defined.

        "id": "step-3",
        "reference": "item-reference-3",
        "next": "global-decision-step-1"
        "id": "step-4",
        "reference": "item-reference-4",
        "next": null
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