custom_question_types.editor_schema.attributes.my_custom_attribute_name - Initialization - Question Editor API

Question Editor API Initialization


The definition of your custom attribute. You can define as many custom attributes as required.

Note Replace the my_custom_attribute_name with the name of the attribute you want to define. This can be any unique string and it is recommended to use snake_case for attribute names.


"stimulus": {
    "type": "string",
    "required": false,
    "name": "Compose question",
    "description": "The question stimulus. This can include text, tables, images, resources and LaTeX entered via the Math Editor.",
    "element": "editor",
    "asset": {
        "mediaType": "image",
        "returnType": "HTML"


Attribute path custom_question_types.editor_schema.attributes.my_custom_attribute_name

Type object


  • name string

    Define the display name of the input.

  • type string

    Define the type of input.

  • element string

    Define what type of element the input should render as (if not a regular input field).

  • description string

    Explain the purpose of the input.

  • required boolean

    If set to false then this attribute will be removed from generated JSON if its current value matches its default value.

  • default *

    Define the default value of the current input.

  • items object

    If the type property is set to "array", then this option is used to configure what type of element each array entry is.

  • count object

    If the type property is set to "array", then this option is used to configure the maximum and minimum count of array elements.

  • options object

    If the type property is set to "select", then this option is used to configure what the drop-down menu options are.

  • white_list array

    If the element property set to "question", then this option is used to configure the white list of attributes that will be passed into Question / Feature renderer.

  • min integer

    If the type property is set to "number", this property can be set to specify the minimum allowed value.

  • max integer

    If the type property is set to "number", this property can be set to specify the maximum allowed value.

  • asset object

    If the type property is set to "string", you can specify this property to allow media upload.

  • canUploadResource boolean

    Whether the "resource" icon appears on the Rich Text Editor bar to allow uploading of a resource.

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