custom_question_types.editor_schema.attributes.my_custom_attribute_name.element - Initialization - Question Editor API

Question Editor API Initialization


Define what type of element the input should render as (if not a regular input field). (E.g. string field would render as an input box by default, but could be made to be a select box instead)

Note If type is set to "array", then either leave this field blank, or also set it to "array", as no other values are supported. Use the items property to define the element for each array entry instead.


Attribute path custom_question_types.editor_schema.attributes.my_custom_attribute_name.element

Type string

Possible values

  • array - If type is set to "array" - either leave this option blank, or also set it to "array" as no other values are supported. Use the items property to define the element for each array entry instead.
  • colorPicker - Render a color picker. [Note] type must be set to "string".
  • editor - Render a rich text editor.
  • formula - Advanced LaTeX formula editor.
  • question - Render current Question / Feature based on the provided white_list attributes.
  • select - Render a dropdown box. Use the options property to define the dropdown options.

this is a mandatory property.

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