Progress-Single-Report-Deprecated - Report-types - Reports API

Progress Single Report Deprecated


This product feature has been deprecated.

This report is removed from v2024.2.LTS and later releases.

For a single user, shows a breakdown of their progress and performance within a set of content. The set of content is specified as single Tag type within a Tag hierarchy (a pre-configured set of Tags).

As an example, imagine a given Tag hierarchy defines content pool Tags (for e.g. Formative, Quiz, Assessment) each comprising a set of subjects (for e.g. English, math, history). If the report is given the Tag path "content pool:Formative -> subject:Math", then the report shows the user's percentage score correct, incorrect and incomplete within all Formative Math content. Each percentage is in proportion to all Items in the Item bank Tagged as Formative Math. Unattempted Items count as "incomplete", as does any Item that has never appeared in a saved session for that user.

The report uses partial Item scoring, so the progress percentage is calculated as the sum of scores on completed Items, including any partially correct scores, as a proportion of the maximum possible score if all Items in the subject were completed and fully correct. If the user has responded to an Item more than once, the most recent score is used.


// Example report configuration
    "id":                  "progress-bar-1",
    "type":                "progress-single",
    "ui":                  "bar",
    "user_id":             "12345678",
    "hierarchy_reference": "book",
    "tag_hierarchy_path":  [
            "type": "course",
            "name": "maths"
            "type": "chapter",
            "name": "4 - Probability"


  • type string

    The type of this report. Must be "progress-single".

  • id string

    The HTML element ID where you want this report to appear.

  • hierarchy_reference string

    The reference of the Tag hierarchy to show progress against.

  • user_id string

    The ID of the user to show progress for.

  • tag_hierarchy_path array[TagsV2]

    An array of Tags describing the path through the hierarchy, starting at the top level moving down to the Tag you want to report progress on.

    By default, the report will be based on the top level of the hierarchy.

    See Understanding Tag Formats for Content Creation and Filtering for more information on the TagsV2 format.

  • organisation_id integer

    The ID of the Item bank to fetch Item data and Tag content and hierarchies from. This needs to match the organisation_id used when initializing the learner sessions.

    The API consumer making the request will need to have access to the Item bank. This access can be ensured via API consumers configuration in the Learnosity Console.

    Default: The API Consumer's primary organisation.

  • render boolean

    Renders the report on your page at the location set with the specified HTML element ID.

    You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.

    Default: true

  • ui string

    The user interface style for this report.

    Default: bar

    Possible values

    • bar
    • pie
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