Event-Progress-by-Tag-by-User-Report - Report-types - Reports API

Event Progress by Tag by User Report

Shows how often a specific event was fired alongside the users' (learners') progress through a set of Tagged content for a group of users.

You would want to use this to track interactions of a fired event, also to review and compare the progress of learners over a series of topics within a specific subject and content pool.

The set of content is specified as one specific Tag type within a Tag hierarchy (a pre-configured set of Tags).

For example, imagine a given Tag hierarchy defines ContentPool Tags (such as: formative, quiz, assessment) each comprising a set of subjects (such as: English, math, history), then each comprising a set of topic areas (such as: arithmetic, algebra, geometry). If the report is given the Tag path ContentPool:FormativeSubject:Math and the event ID "received_help", then the report shows each topic area of the math quiz Items. The percentage of the Item scores in each topic area for which the "received_help" event was fired during any of the user's sessions.

The flexibility of this report makes it well suited to advanced use cases and analysis of user behavior. Consider these scenarios:

  • Use a custom "show_calculator" event to report how often users use a calculator.
  • Use a custom "link_clicked" event to report how often users click an external link to view some reference content.
  • Use a custom "time_threshold_elapsed" event to report instances where users take a certain amount of time to answer questions.

Scoring details

This report uses partial Item scoring, so each percentage is in proportion to the maximum possible score across all math quiz Items in the Item bank for that topic area. Therefore, the percentage measures how much of the maximum possible score for the specified Tags coincided with a particular event.


// Example report configuration
    "id": "event-progress-1",
    "type": "event-progress-by-tag-by-user",
    "users": [
        { "id": "111111", "name": "Student 001" },
        { "id": "222222", "name": "Student 002" }
    "event": {
        "id": "correct_with_help",
        "display": "Correct with Help"
    "hierarchy_reference": "questiontype",
    "tag_hierarchy_path": [
            "type": "questiontype",
            "name": "clozeassociation"


  • type string

    The type of this report. Must be "event-progress-by-tag-by-user".

  • event object

    An event definition that describes the event to show progress on.

    • id string

      The ID of the event.

      Important The event ID must be configured by Learnosity for your API consumer before using this report.

    • display string

      The human-friendly name of the event for display purposes.

  • id string

    The HTML element ID where you want this report to appear.

  • hierarchy_reference string

    The reference of the Tag hierarchy to show progress against.

  • users array[object]

    An array of user (learner) definitions to include in the report.

    Note If you need more than 100 users, contact Learnosity Support.

    The individual user definitions include the following properties.

    • id string

      The ID of the user (learner).

    • name string

      The name of the user (learner) for display purposes.

  • organisation_id integer

    The ID of the Item bank to fetch Item data and Tag content and hierarchies from. This needs to match the organisation_id used when initializing the learner sessions.

    The API consumer making the request will need to have access to the Item bank. This access can be ensured via API consumers configuration in the Learnosity Console.

    Default: The API consumer's primary organisation.

  • render boolean

    Renders the report on your page at the location set with the specified HTML element ID.

    You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.

    Default: true

  • tag_hierarchy_path array[TagsV2]

    An array of Tags describing the path through the hierarchy, starting at the top level moving down to the Tag you want to report progress on.

    By default, the report will be based on the top level of the hierarchy.

    See Understanding Tag Formats for Content Creation and Filtering for more information on the TagsV2 format.

  • tag_labels string

    Choose whether to use the Tag "name" or "description" for the labels shown in the report.

    When using "description" and a Tag does not have a description value, the Tag's name will be used instead.

    Default: "description"

    Possible values

    • "description"
    • "name"
  • ui_clickable object

    Toggle clickable styling for certain elements.

    If you listen for a click event using on(), the corresponding attribute below will be true by default.

    • user boolean

      Clickable style for user names.

    • tag boolean

      Clickable style for Tag names.

    • progress boolean

      Clickable style for progress cells.

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