setLabelBundle - Methods - Feedback Aide API

Feedback Aide API Methods


Allows developers to override the default en-US language labels of the app.

You would want to call this method when you want to apply your localized language labels for the app.

If there is any rendered UI on the screen, the labels of those UI will change to reflect the provided labels. See also Feedback Aide i18n (Internationalization).


await feedbackApp.setLabelBundle({
    "labels": {
        "save": "保存",
        "stimulus_show_less": "少なく表示",
        "stimulus_show_more": "もっと見る"


  • options object

    Object containing the labels to override the default en-US labels.

Return value

Type Promise

When the promise resolves, it will indicate that the label bundle has been set successfully.

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