internationalization - Feedback Aide API


Feedback Aide supports language bundles to customize all interface elements.

Languages and user interface labels can be overridden in Feedback Aide by using the setLabelBundle method.


Note - to customise the feedback language use the Language settings in the Model Options.


The following show some examples of this in action:


Feedback Aide UI in English


Feedback Aide UI in Japanese

Bundle Keys

A brief example is shown below and the full list of properties are published on each release.

    "comment_summary_of_feedback_label": "Summary of feedback",
    "comment_max_char_limit": "{{count}} / {{charLimit}} character limit",
    "criteria": "Criteria",

    // ...

    "score_max_score": "{{score}} / {{maxScore}}",
    "score_total_score": "Total score",
    "score_your_score": "Your score",
    "stimulus_show_less": "Show less",
    "stimulus_show_more": "Show more"
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