Learnosity Design System: 2022.2.LTS release


With the success of last release (2022.1.LTS)  we are now continuing our journey into Questions API, by replacing the ”Check answer” button across all Question types.

We continue to retain as much of the existing DOM structure as possible, which allows us to more easily retrofit our product, gaining benefits of the new design system while requiring minimal changes from client development teams.

With the new LDS button a clear improvement can be seen to the focus state. Below is a comparison of the focus states before and after the updates have been applied.


To the left of the drag bar is the new UI with the updated components, on the right is the previous (non design system buttons).

Note that this release applies to Questions API and Author API, version v2022.2.LTS onward, (released June 2022).

For further technical details and code examples on the changes we have implemented, please refer to the below links:

We'd love to hear from you

If you would like to share your thoughts, or help us with testing the robustness of the Design System rollout, please get in touch via the form here.


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