2022.1.LTS Release Announcement

24th February 2022
From tapping the endless potential of custom questions to boosting your author and dev teams' efficiency—our latest release is about exploring assessment possibilities while reducing friction.
Watch the webinar video. Our SVP of Product, Michael Sharman, walks you through our latest release. Watch now
We’ve created resources to help you quickly unlock the flexibility of custom questions and added some nifty improvements to extend your learning product’s reach.
Custom questions made easy
The creative possibilities of our custom question type are virtually endless. We've done the hard work to make it easier to get started by providing a downloadable sample project and streamlined documentation.
New symbols for the math keypad
We’ve added a variety of new symbols to the math keypad to broaden the range of topics available for authors and learners. New additions include the symbols for cent, "because," and "del operator."
Increased support for right-to-left languages
To reach more learners worldwide, we’ve continued to extend language support for right-to-left questions. Bidirectional language support is now available in two more question types: choice matrix and token highlight.
We've made it easier for authors to keep their work organized, consistent, and up-to-date.
A seamless item editing experience
The Author Site now offers a richer item editing experience. Whether editing standalone items or items from within an activity, authors have full access to configurable left menu options.
Supercharged item search
The lightning-fast item search powered by our new search engine has been rolled out for all item banks. Upgrade to 2020.1.LTS onwards to access this time-saving feature.
Developer Experience
We’ve lightened the cognitive load for your developers with a helpful new resource and a more consistent user experience.
Quick-start tutorials
When developers start working on Learnosity-powered software, there's a lot to learn. To help devs hit the ground running, we've refined our quick-start coding experience to be more straightforward, better-documented, and available in multiple programming languages.
A more coherent design system
We’ve made our user experience both more consistent overall and more accessible by adding our developer user interface to a front-end framework.
Here are the latest updates in our never-ending mission to deliver more accessible experiences for both learners and authors.
Accessible color contrast ratio for Author API
Authors with visual impairments can have problems reading if foreground and background colors are poorly matched. Guided by WCAG, we’ve updated the Author API to make our color choices more accessible.
Accessibility roundup
We've improved screen reader accessibility for the question editor edit/preview toggle, updated visuals for the table of contents, and simplified keyboard navigation of the keypad within the math essay with rich text question type.
Sign up for the 2021.3.LTS webinar.
Watch the webinar video
Take a tour of the latest features. See the webinar video from March 3rd, 2022 hosted by SVP of Product Michael Sharman, providing a closer look at the 2022.1.LTS.
Watch now
Sign up for the 2022.1.LTS webinar.

What are Long Term Support (LTS) releases?

Long Term Support (LTS) versions (such as this one) are major Learnosity releases. Three times a year, we release a package of unified, supported versions of our APIs. See our documentation for more information.

Upgrading? Read the migration guide

Get detailed technical instructions on what you'll need to do when upgrading, in the migration guide for this release.

Stability Enhancements

See all the enhancements we’ve made in our latest Long Term Supported Release.
Read the release notes

End of Life (EoL) Announcement

The following LTS versions will soon move into End of Life status:
  • v2020.1.LTS entered EoL on February 16th, 2022
  • v2020.2.LTS enters EoL on July 13th, 2022
Please note, all versions are permanently removed six months after they enter EoL, so plan accordingly to avoid service disruptions. Read more

Deprecation Notice: "formulaV2" Question Type

Please note that we are deprecating the "formulaV2" question type, which includes six question templates. This is part of our effort to simplify the math authoring experience. Existing customers can migrate to the "clozeformula" question type as an alternative. See more information in the full deprecation notice.