Author API
- In the Activity editor, the Intro/Outro selectors (Welcome/Exit screen 'blocks') originally used to stack at 630px width. This behaviour has now been changed to start stacking (arranged into a vertical column) at 815px width when the resource menu item selection block is enabled.
- In the Activity editor, the UI in the player tab has been rearranged and more options are added in for configuring the Activity.
- The count of Activities in the Activity list has been moved behind a link option similar to the Item list to ensure faster loading of the Activity list.
Styling implementation change from absolute positioning to flexbox for Activity edit mode:
Impacted CSS selectors:
selectors now have adisplay: flex
selectors have a styling change fromposition: absolute;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
align-self: center;
as they became flex items.
- The buttons to confirm and discard changes are now wrapped in a HTML div (division) tag with classnames 'lrn-author-prompt-footer lrn-author-confirm-discard-footer'. These buttons are visible when asked to discard changes in the Activity Template builder, in the Audio and Video Simple Feature, the Academic Benchmark standards browser, the linked Academic Benchmark standards viewer and the Item review settings.
Question Editor API
Question Editor edit panel titles and sections are now wrapped in heading tags to assist screen readers. Sections such as title, set correct answers, layout, keypad, text block, more options, scoring, extras, details, layout and selection, UI settings etc. are now all wrapped in heading titles in ascending order depending on the pages layout.
All titles and sections have the same base element as before but they are now wrapped in a heading tag. This is with the exception of the widget title which prior to this change had a HTML div (division) tag as its base element, whereas now it is a span tag wrapped in a heading tag, due to the fact that wrapping a div tag with a heading tag is considered invalid HTML.
Along with this, all rich text editor modal window headings are now wrapped in H4 heading tags, to assist screen readers.
UI Improvements
Below is a summary of all CSS changes between the previous LTS release and this release. Generally, these changes contain new feature implementations and various accessibility improvements.
See all CSS changes between v2021.2.LTS and v2021.3.LTS in GitHub
Author API
- Improved several components when authoring a resource Item
- Improved the tooltip display
- Added several optimizations for the template builder interface
- Added styles for the new search field hints
- Added styles for customizing the player "text settings" modal
- Improved the standards interface
- Added new styles for inline checkboxes
Question Editor API
- Updated and improved color contrast for a large number of elements across the product
- Added missing heading Tags and applied existing styles to improve accessibility
Questions API
- Improved longtextV2 Question type and the code editor support
- Fixed a bug with drag and drop focus outlines for any Question type that supports drag and drop