Learnosity integration with Academic Benchmarks standards using Tags

Maintaining AB standards through Learnosity Tags

AB standards within Learnosity are maintained as Tags which are made up of a combination of the following:

  • Tag Type, and
  • Tag Name.

For a given Tag Type entity, it can have multiple Tag Name values.  More information on Learnosity’s Tag Types and Names.

Each standard element in Academic Benchmarks is represented by a globally unique identifier (GUID) code which uniquely identifies it. Learnosity uses this GUID to tag and filter Items by tagging Items with the GUID for the standard as the Tag name value and a predefined Tag type value.

lrn_ab_aligned: F1FA078C-3B53-11E0-B042-495E9DFF4B22

In the example GUID above, lrn_ab_aligned is the reserved Tag type and F1FA078C-3B53-11E0-B042-495E9DFF4B22 is the Tag name value representing the standards GUID. The Tag type value would depend on the way Author API is configured in the init options. Academic Benchmarks standards that are taggable to Learnosity Items are identified by having the utilization type=”alignable”.

The Tags created for AB standards integration are not visible to the Authors, but are used internally by Learnosity APIs.


Tagging structure

There are two ways in which the connect API can be configured in Learnosity’s Author API, which allows authors to tag and filter Items with Academic Benchmarks maintained standards. 

If you have a new Item bank or have Items which are not tagged to any Academic Benchmarks standards using Learnosity Tags in the combination defined above, Learnosity’s Author API would create its own predefined Tag Types for storing the selected standards GUID against Items. In addition, depending on how the initialization options are configured, Author API would fetch and store the ancestry information for the selected alignable standards, creating a new Tag type for each of the standards type in the ancestry path depending on their type.

For example:


for the alignable standard,


The above GUID would be for its ancestor which is of type Context, and so on. The value for the Tag type would depend on the type of the ancestor standards where the type is appended to "lrn_ab_standard_" for each of the standard types in the ancestry path including the alignable standard.

For example: 

lrn_ab_standard_context, lrn_ab_standard_theme 

In addition, the GUID’s for ancestors for the section, publication, subject and authority of the selected alignable standard would be tagged to the Item using a similar Tag type value.

For example: 

lrn_ab_standard_authority, lrn_ab_standard_publication 

And so on.

If you have an existing Item bank which already uses Tags to maintain the standards information using a reserved Tag type, you could specify the Tag type in the Author API init options. Any new standards attached to an Item would automatically create tags based on the reserved Tag type and the GUID’s for the selected standards and add it to the Item. You can specify only one Tag type in the init options, and it is assumed that only alignable standards are tagged against the Items in the Item bank. Since the hierarchy of standards is not maintained against the Items, reports based on Tag Hierarchies would not be available for such Items.

Visibility of AB Standards

Please note, the full AB Standards are only visible through the integration widget when it is active. Conversely, only Learnosity tags are displayed in the Item list view. If the AB integration isn't enabled, then the AB GUIDS are displayed in the Item list view with the rest of the Learnosity Tags.

When operational, the AB Standards integration hides the Tag type that is being used to align Learnosity content with the AB Standards (e.g."lrn_ab_aligned"). 

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