6th November 2019
Our latest release, Learnosity 2019.3 Long Term Support (LTS) helps you break down language barriers, deliver more accessible reports, and activate annotations with greater ease.

A more accessible drawing Question type, better translation support, performance upgrades, and offline assessments.
Learnosity is translation-ready
Learnosity is now easier to translate than ever, with full character support for any language, right-to-left support, and now downloadable label bundles for seven languages to get you started.


A broader palette for our drawing Question type
We’ve continued to make the drawing Question type more accessible with enhancements such as screen reader support and full keyboard controls. In addition, we’ve added a brand-new replay functionality.

Don’t give away the spelling
No longer will an iPad or iPhone give away the answers to the spelling bee. Now you can disable auto-correct, auto-complete and auto-capitalize on your Items or for an entire Activity on iOS devices.*


Sync and resume with local device assessment (premium feature)
Developers of native apps can now sync responses from their apps to the web. Learners download an Activity to their device to work offline, and upload their responses later, to continue on the web.

Responsive multi-column content
Items with multi-column layouts will now adjust their size to smaller devices. Instead of displaying side-by-side, content will be stacked vertically, ensuring students can continue to read and interact with items on narrow viewports.


Accessibility enhancements
The Cloze Drag & Drop Question now has ARIA labels and contextual information for screen readers when navigating drop zones. We've also added color contrast capability for hotspot zones, and more accessible video and audio players.

Author and deliver cloze Questions in right-to-left script, and give learners the tools to express themselves with easy-to-add annotation options.

Right-to-left script support
We solve authoring problems everywhere. Six of our cloze Question types now support right-to-left (RTL) languages, such as Egyptian Arabic and Hebrew. RTL Questions now include cloze drag & drop, text, and drop-down.


An easier way to add annotations
Authors can now easily switch annotations on or off with a toggle to give learners access to a variety of tools during assessments such as sticky notes, notepads, drawing tools, and a digital highlighter.

Our latest features further our mission to become fully accessible, with updates in report retrieval, keyboard navigation, and more.
More accessible learner reports
We've improved accessibility in Reports API, with more intuitive tooltips and keyboard navigation for our individual and class reports. They’re also now compatible with screen readers, screen magnifiers, and other assistive technologies.

========================== UPGRADING ==========================
What are Long Term Support (LTS) releases?
Long Term Support (LTS) versions (such as this one) are major Learnosity releases, shipping every four months. Three times a year, we release a package of unified, supported versions of our APIs.
See our documentation for more information.
* Note on device support for autocomplete functions
Disabling autocomplete functions is dependent on browser and device support, for example, predictive text cannot be disabled programmatically on Android devices.