The tables below are a list of all Question and Feature codes and their names. This can be useful when using the Data API, where you might need the code to filter for certain entries.
Question Code | Question Name |
association | Match list |
audio | Audio |
chemistry | Chemistry formula |
chemistryessay | Chemistry essay(Deprecated) |
chemistryessayV2 | Chemistry essay with Rich Text |
choicematrix | Choice matrix |
classification | Classification |
clozeassociation | Cloze association |
clozechemistry | Cloze chemistry |
clozedropdown | Cloze dropdown |
clozeformula |
Cloze math |
clozeformulaV2 |
Math |
clozetext | Fill in the blanks |
drawing | Drawing |
fileupload | File upload |
fillshape | Fill shape (Deprecated) |
formula | Math formula (Deprecated) |
formulaV2 | Math formula (Deprecated) |
formulaessay | Math essay (Deprecated) |
formulaessayV2 | Math essay with Rich Text |
graphplotting | Graphing |
gridded | Gridded |
highlight | Image highlight (Deprecated) |
hotspot | Hotspot |
imageclozeassociation | Image association (Deprecated) |
imageclozeassociationV2 | Image association V2 |
imageclozechemistry | Cloze chemistry with image |
imageclozedropdown | Image dropdown |
imageclozeformula | Cloze math with image |
imageclozeformulaV2 | Label image with math |
imageclozetext | Add text to Image |
imageupload | Image upload |
longtext | Long text (essay) (Deprecated) |
longtextV2 | Essay with rich text |
mcq | Multiple choice |
multistepmath | Multi-step math |
numberline | Number line with drag and drop |
numberlineplot | Number line with plot |
orderlist | Order list |
plaintext | Plain text (essay) |
rating | Rating |
shorttext | Short text |
simplechart | Charts |
simpleshading | Simple shading |
sortlist | Sort list |
texthighlight | Text highlight (Deprecated) |
tokenhighlight | Token highlight |
Feature Code | Feature Name |
audioplayer | Audio player |
calculator | Calculator |
imagetool | Imagetool |
linereader | Line reader |
sharedpassage | Passage |
videoplayer | Video player |