Using the Underlined Indicator in the Question Editor Toolbar

With the Question Editor API, you can use the CKE (rich text editor) plugin, 'underlined indicator' - a feature for adding underlined indicators to text in passages.

Try out the plugin in the demo.


The underlined indicator is designed to be used with a text passage. It allows part of a text passage to be underlined, and have a indicator, e.g. "Q1" placed below. This indicator can then be be referred to by the stimulus of a Question, in order to ask questions specific to the part of the underlined text.

The indicator:

  • Can contain any characters, and must be between one and three characters in length.
  • Can be applied to a single character, or multiple sentences spanning several lines (wrapping is supported).


An example is below: 



Screenshot 1: The underlined indicator applied to multiple sentences and lines.



The primary use case is only for "normal" text. This text may also contain an inline style.
The following is not supported:

  • Other block style formats like H1,
  • Widgets e.g. Math, or
  • Embedded images or videos.


When adding an underlined indicator, the following occurs:

  • The highlighted text, or the word the cursor is in, is underlined and your indicator is added to the bottom left of the text,
  • The line spacing is doubled for the entire field, and
  • In the edit panel of Author API, when clicking on the underlined text or the indicator, a popover will appear. This allows you to edit or remove the indicator.

To add an underlined undicator:

  • Target some text, using one of the ways below:
    • Highlight a single word,
    • Highlight multiple words,
    • Highlight part of a word, or
    • Place the cursor at the start, middle, or end of a word.
  • Then, click on the underlined indicator button on the CKEditor toolbar, indicated below (red outline):



Screenshot 2: The underlined indicator button on the CKEditor toolbar (red outline).


When removing an underlined indicator, the following occurs:

  • The highlighted text should have the underlined indicator removed, and
  • The double line spacing is removed from the field if there are no other indicators.

To remove an underlined indicator, use one of the ways below:

  • Click on the word or the indicator to bring up the popover, then click "Remove":



Screenshot 3: The underlined indicator popover window, 'remove' button.


  • Place cursor at end of word and press the backspace key,
  • Place cursor at start of word and press the delete key,
  • Highlight part or all of the indicator, then click the "Remove Format" button, or
  • Highlight some text, including the indicator, and type to overwrite (i.e. replacing it).


  • Click on the word or the indicator to bring up the popover, then click "Edit":



Screenshot 4: The underlined indicator popover window, 'edit' button.


  • Place cursor at the start, middle or end of the word, then click on the underlined indicator button on the CKE toolbar,
  • Highlight the existing word, then click the underlined indicator button on the CKE bar, or
  • Highlight the existing word, then click the word, to bring up the popover, then click "Edit".
To extend the selection:
  1. Highlight the new text.
  2. Click the indicator button on the CKE toolbar.
  3. Enter the same indicator.
  4. Click "OK". The old indicator will be removed and replaced.
To shorten the selection:
  1. Highlight a part of the existing indicated text.
  2. Click the "Remove Format" button on the CKE toolbar.
  3. The indicator will stay, but it will be removed from that part of the text.
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