Bow tie bowtie

Bow-tie (bowtie)

Allows the learner to drag and drop their responses into a three column bowtie layout from a list of potential answers.

The bowtie Question is referenced by its type in the code, which is "bowtie".


    "stimulus": "<p>Complete the diagram by dragging from the choices below to specify what condition the client is most likely experiencing.</p>",
    "type": "bowtie",
    "ui_style": {
        "column_titles": ["Action to Take", "Condition Most Likely Experiencing", "Parameter to Monitor"],
        "show_drag_handle": false
    "validation": {
        "scoring_type": "exactMatch",
        "valid_response": {
            "score": 1,
            "value": [
                [0, 4],
                [10, 12]
    "group_possible_responses": true,
    "possible_response_groups": [
            "title": "Actions to Take",
            "responses": ["Administer oxygen at&nbsp;2 L/min via nasal cannula", "Request a prescription for an oral corticosteroid", "Insert a peripheral venous access device (VAD).", "Obtain a urine specimen for urinalysis and culture and sensitivity (C &amp; S).", "Request an order for 50% dextrose in water to be administered intravenously."]
            "title": "Potential Conditions",
            "responses": ["Hypoglycemia", "Ischemic stroke"]
            "title": "Parameters to Monitor",
            "responses": ["Urine output", "Temperature", "Neurologic status", "Serum glucose level", "Electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythm"]


  • type string

    Defines the Question type to be rendered.

    Must be set to "bowtie" in this case.

  • instructor_stimulus string

    Additional notes for the educator that appears above the stimulus.

    For example, the content entered in this field could be used as notes during an assessment and could contain extra instructions that must be read out to the learners.

    This content will be shown when the showInstructorStimulus initialization option is set to true. HTML and simple Features are supported.

  • is_math boolean

    Indicates whether this Question contains math content.

    When set to true it will render LaTeX or MathML content with MathJax.

    You would want to use this when including math expressions in this Question type.

    Default: false

  • metadata object

    Object containing additional information about the question.

  • metadata.distractor_rationale string

    Used to display individual response feedback/rationale to the student.

  • metadata.rubric_reference string

    A unique identifier for the rubric to be used with the question - defaults to course rubric if assigned in activity

  • metadata.sample_answer string

    A sample answer to be displayed on the Learnosity Reports API. HTML is supported.

  • metadata.acknowledgements string

    References for any text passages, documents, images etc. used in the question.

  • metadata.distractor_rationale_response_level array

    Used to display individual response feedback/rationale to the student.

  • stimulus string

    The Question prompt shown to the learner. This can include text, tables, images, resources, and LaTeX entered via the math editor.

  • stimulus_review string

    Alternative content which will override the stimulus in review mode.

    This is intended as a field that contains an alternative/abbreviated version of the Question's stimulus, that will only show in review mode. This means that the content in this field is not visible to the learner, and it is also not possible to preview it using the Author Site. HTML and simple Features are supported.

  • ui_style object

    Object used to control different aspects of the UI

  • ui_style.fontsize string

    Controls the size of base font for this question. Options are among 'small', 'normal', 'large', 'xlarge' and 'xxlarge'.

    Default: "normal"

  • ui_style.validation_stem_numeration string

    Numeration character to be displayed to the left of the validation label.

    Default: "number"

  • ui_style.possibility_list_position string

    Defines where the list of potential answers is positioned relative to the response area.

    Default: "bottom"

  • ui_style.column_titles array[string]

    The titles for each element in the bowtie diagram.

  • feedback_attempts number

    Determines how many times the learner can click on the "Check Answer" button.

    To allow an unlimited number of clicks, set this value to 0.

    Note The instant_feedback option must be set to true.

    Default: 0

  • instant_feedback boolean

    Controls whether to show a "Check Answer" button to provide instant feedback to the learner based on their given response(s).

    See Using the Check Answer Button in the Question Editor for more information.

    Default: false

  • possible_response_groups array[object]

    The groups of possible responses the learner can select to answer the question.

  • possible_response_groups[ ].title string

    The title for the column below the bowtie diagram containing the possible responses.

  • possible_response_groups[ ].responses array[string]

    An array of possible responses in the column that the learner can drag and drop to answer the question.

  • validation object

    In this section, configure the correct answer(s) for the question.

  • validation.allow_negative_scores boolean

    Negative scores will be normalised to zero by default. Allowing negative scores, on the other hand, means that the score can drop below zero when penalties are applied.

    Default: false

  • validation.penalty number

    Value indicating the marks deducted for an incorrect response.

    Default: 0

  • validation.min_score_if_attempted number

    Positive value indicating the minimum score if a student attempted the question.

    Default: 0

  • validation.scoring_type string

    The way in which scores are distributed for the Question.

    Default: "exactMatch"

    Possible values

    • Exact Match - All parts of the Question must be answered correctly to receive a score.
    • Partial Match Per Cell - Each correct cell will be scored will be awarded an individual score.
    • Partial Match Per Cell - Max Score - Each correct cell will be scored individually, and the overall Question score will be divided between cells.
    • Partial match Per Element - Each correct response element will be awarded an individual score.
    • Partial Match per Element V2 - Each correct response element will be scored individually, and the overall Question score will be divided between responses.
  • validation.unscored boolean

    When enabled, this option will remove all scoring from the question. This is useful for creating practice questions.

    Default: false

  • validation.valid_response object

    An object containing the valid response score and value.

  • validation.valid_response.score number

    Score awarded for the correct response(s).

    Default: 1

  • validation.valid_response.value array[array]

    The indices of the possible responses selected by the learner.

  • validation.valid_response.value[ ] array[number]

    An array with three elements representing each drop zone of the bowtie diagram.

  • validation.valid_response.value[ ][ ] number

    The indices of the possible responses selected by the learner.

  • validation.automarkable boolean

    Defines whether the question will be marked automatically, or must be marked manually.

    Default: true

  • validation.alt_responses.value array[array]

    The indices of the possible responses selected by the learner.

  • validation.alt_responses.value[ ] array[number]

    An array with three elements representing each drop zone of the bowtie diagram.

  • validation.alt_responses.value[ ][ ] number

    The indices of the possible responses selected by the learner.

  • validation.alt_responses[ ].score number

    Score if the alternative response is correct.

    Default: 1

  • group_possible_responses boolean

    Categorize possible responses into different groups, with each group having its own heading.

    Default: false

Response format

The data returned in the response format for this Question is an array of arrays, each containing indices, which are the responses that the learner dragged into the drop zones in the bowtie diagram.

Response format examples

    "value": [
        [0, 1],
        [8, 9]
    "type": "array",
    "apiVersion": "v2.222.0",
    "revision": 1

Response attributes

  • value array[array[number]]

    The indices of the possible responses selected by the learner. The array contains an array with three elements representing each drop zone of the bowtie diagram.

  • type string

    Informs the scoring engine about what kind of data to expect in the values entered by the learner.

    Must be set to "array".

  • apiVersion string

    The version of the Questions API that returned this response.

  • revision numeric

    Keeps track of the number of Question attempts and submissions, meaning, how many times the learner answered the Question and submitted it.

  • feedbackAttemptsCount numeric

    Keeps track of the number of times the learner has clicked on "Check Answer".

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