setFeedback - Methods - Feedback Aide API

Feedback Aide API Methods


Overrides the current feedback session's data to the provided values for rubric_scores, comment, or insufficient_to_grade.

You would want to use this method to make corrections to the rubric scores or programmatically set your own feedback data when building your own user interface for Feedback Aide.


const feedbackData = await feedbackSession.setFeedback({
    data: {
        comment: 'Great job!',
        insufficient_to_grade: false,
        rubric_scores: [
                criteria: 'Understanding of the topic',
                score: 1,
                grade_type: 'manual'
                criteria: 'Identification of Personal and Societal Problems',
                score: 2,
                grade_type: 'manual'
                criteria: 'Use of Evidence',
                score: 3,
                grade_type: 'auto'
                criteria: 'Organization and Clarity',
                score: 4,
                grade_type: 'manual'
                criteria: 'Grammar and Mechanics',
                score: 5,
                grade_type: 'auto'


  • options object

    Options to override the feedback session's data.

    • data object

      The feedback data to override the current session's data.

      • rubric_scores array[RubricScore]

        An array of rubric score objects to override the feedback session's rubric scores.

        • RubricScore object

          • criteria string

            The title of the criterion to be graded. This value should match a criterion in the current rubric.

          • score number

            The rubric score. This value should exist in the current rubric.

          • grade_type string

            The grading type for the rubric. This is used in the default user interface to indicate which rubric scores were chosen by Feedback Aide AI or manually chosen by the educator. Accepted values are manual (graded manually), auto (graded by Feedback Aide AI), or an empty string (indicating it hasn't been graded yet).

            Possible values

            • "manual" - graded manually.
            • "auto" - graded by Feedback Aide AI.
            • "" - not graded yet.
      • comment string

        A comment for the feedback session. This will override the current value in the session's overall comment text area.

      • insufficient_to_grade boolean

        Indicates whether the feedback session is insufficient to grade, for example, the learner entered only one sentence for their essay. Setting this to true will mark the session's score as zero and disable all rubric interactions.

Return value

Type Promise

Returns a promise that resolves when the feedback data has been successfully set.

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