custom_question_types.editor_schema.attributes.my_custom_attribute_name.count - Initialization - Question Editor API

Question Editor API Initialization


If the type property is set to "array", then this option is used to configure the maximum and minimum count of array elements.

Note If a fixed number of array elements is desired, then set the minimum and maximum values to be the same. In this case, neither the remove buttons or the add button will be rendered.


Attribute path custom_question_types.editor_schema.attributes.my_custom_attribute_name.count

Type object


  • minimum integer

    The minimum amount of elements in the array (and inputs rendered).

    If > 0, the same number of inputs will be rendered by default, and the remove button will not be shown for those inputs. For any additional count, the remove button will be rendered.

    E.g. if set to 2, then 2 inputs will be rendered by default, without the remove button, but additional inputs added with the add button will have the remove buttons shown.

  • maximum integer

    The maximum amount of elements in the array (and inputs rendered). If set, once reached, the add button will no longer add additional inputs.

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