Last-Score-by-Session-Report - Report-types - Reports API

Last Score by Session Report

Shows the overall score for the most recent session on a single Activity for a single user (learner).

You would want to use this to get an overview of a single learner's progress and performance within an Activity, for example, an end of year exam assessment.

Scoring details

Hovering over the chart graphic shows a breakdown of the score including correct, incorrect, and unattempted components. The report uses partial Item scoring, so the overall score is the sum of the individual Item scores, including any partially correct Items.


// Example report configuration
    "id":          "lastscore-bar-1",
    "type":        "lastscore-single",
    "ui":          "bar",
    "user_id":     "12345678",
    "activity_id": "mid-term"


  • type string

    The type of this report. Must be "lastscore-single".

  • id string

    The HTML element ID where you want this report to appear.

  • activity_id string

    The ID of the Activity to report on.

  • user_id string

    The ID of the user (learner) to report on.

  • render boolean

    Renders the report on your page at the location set with the specified HTML element ID.

    You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.

    Default: true

  • ui string

    The user interface style for the learner's results in this report, rendered as a standalone bar chart or pie chart, suitable for embedding into custom reporting pages.

    Default: "bar"

    Possible values

    • "bar" - show an overall bar which indicates the quantity of correct, incorrect, and unattempted Items.
    • "pie" - show a pie chart which indicates the quantity of correct, incorrect, and unattempted Items.
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