Below is a list of releases and release logs for each version.
Developer | Rolling release of latest features, recommended for development environments only (previously called "latest"). |
Archived | Version no longer available. |
v1.22.7 – 20th November 2024
- Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance.
v1.22.6 – 11th September 2024
- Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance.
v1.22.5 – 14th February 2024
- Improvement: updated internal libraries to maintain security, compatibility and performance.
v1.22.4 – 31st January 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where user management navigation from Author Site to Learnosity Console threw an error, '500'.
v1.22.3 – 16th August 2023
Bug fixes
- Added new filters to user list: by role, Item bank, and permission group.
- Improvement: Added useful navigation links when there is no data to show on the Console homepage. Also, a minor change to title capitals.
v1.22.2 – 26th July 2023
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the origin path for custom Questions assets could not be updated and saved.
v1.22.1 – 17th May 2023
- Improvement: updated console dashboard graph empty states to inform the end user that data has not yet been collected.
v1.22.0 – 29th March 2023
- Improvement: updated the 2FA registration process by removing the phone verification step.
v1.21.2 – 15th February 2023
- Improvement: updated the page header Tags to provide a better accessibility experience.
v1.21.1 – 31st January 2023
- Removed usage of the term 'whitelist', and replaced it with 'allow list'.
- Added an ARIA label to the Learnosity logo.
- Improvement: removed an
tag from the navbar, and replaced it with CSS. This improves the semantic HTML structure of the site, so that it works better with screen readers. - Added a new feature to capture the user email with the UserSnap widget for user feedback.
- Added the language attribute to all pages to improve accessibility. This will enable screen readers, speech synthesizers, and Braille translators to produce output from the text in accordance with W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines.
v1.21.0 – 9th November 2022
- Added multi-factor authentication to login page. This strengthens the overall security of the site by authenticating by password as well as a mobile authentication app.
- Added new styling to the the primary navigation. This improves user experience by exposing all sections to the users without interaction as well as grouping each section with titles for further clarity.
- Improvement: Updated UI and wording throughout the site.
v1.20.0 – 2nd November 2022
- Added the ability to configure the bootstrap container type in all modules. This provides support for standard container or container fluid styling in all modules.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug, an issue where users were unable to create users with emails that contained a single letter after a period.
v1.19.1 – 24th August 2022
- Added a cookie consent banner to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking.
v1.19.0 – 20th April 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug, where the partner key section of the consumer configuration page was returning a 404 if there were no partner keys set.
- Improvement: Updated the user creation form to disallow certain invalid email formats.
v1.18.5 – 9th March 2022
- Improvement: updated the error messages we show when certain operations fail.
- Improvement: upgraded internal libraries to improve compatibility, security and performance.
v1.18.4 – 6th January 2022
- Improvement: updated the API versions drop-down menu to exclude removed LTS versions under Author site settings. The default option for the dropdown has been updated to 'latest-lts'.
v1.18.2 – 31st March 2021
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in Learnosity Console where Item Analysis reports could not be generated for some consumers.
v1.18.1 – 9th December 2020
- Added capability for the new Author site role, 'bulk update manager' to be applied to users from the Learnosity Console.
v1.17.1 – 16th July 2020
- Added the "latest-lts" option to the Author Site API version management drop-down list.
v1.17.0 – 25th June 2020
- Improvement: removed the Request access now link on the login page. For users who want to gain access to the site, please contact your organisation's user manager to create an account.
v1.16.3 – 11th March 2020
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in which applying a new date range filter to the Sessions Insights graph in Console caused the number of consumers displayed in its dropdown menu to increase inaccurately.
- Fixed a bug where the axes labels of the Console Insights Sessions and Item bank graphs did not show sufficient precision, causing the same label to appear multiple times for some ranges.
- Improvement: Updated the blog link in the login and dashboard pages to point to the new Learnosity blog.
v1.16.2 – 19th February 2020
- Added the ability to manage credentials for Learnosity Partners via Learnosity Console. Our initial integration includes Academic Benchmarks / AB Connect.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the chart data was no longer being updated regularly.
- Improvement: updated the design to better support a variety of screen sizes, including mobile and tablet devices.
- Improvement: removed the Most Active Authors chart.
v1.16.1 – 8th January 2020
- Added a prompt to the Update Consumer page if there are unsaved changes to the Allowlist Domains section. This will help prevent losing unsaved changes to Allowlisted Domains.
v1.15.0 – 7th August 2019
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where creating a new user in Console would succeed even if an invalid email address was provided.
v1.14.4 – 17th July 2019
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Console Insights "Sessions details" graph would show the incorrect month for users in timezones west of UTC, including users in the United States.
v1.14.3 – 5th June 2019
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that causes Insights graphs to load infinitely without showing an error message if there are no results when a filter is applied.
v1.14.2 – 30th April 2019
- Improvement: updated the dropdown filters on the Insights Item bank data chart so that selecting the "All types" and "All Item banks" options will mark all options as checked so that individual options can be easily deselected.
v1.14.1 – 3rd April 2019
- Improvement: updated the API Consumer domain allowlist editor to confirm edits and deletions of allowlisted domains before saving, in order to prevent accidental changes that could cause production errors.
v1.14.0 – 13th March 2019
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug with incorrect labelling in the Item banks chart. All time totals on the top of the chart now show total count of Questions and Features in line with the chart displayed below, rather than Items within a given Item bank as it had been stated in the section title.
- Fixed a bug, creating more correct messaging in the Learnosity Console landing page. The Learnosity Console landing page will now show a general message about the current user's access in case when they are not provided access to the Dashboard. It also outlines the process of gaining access to other areas in Learnosity Console and more quick links for other Learnosity sites and documentation.
- Improvement: proper length of the username field in user profiles. Updated the username field to be 255 characters long, supporting the standard email format.
v1.13.0 – 20th February 2019
- Added new Insights into Item bank composition. Insights Item bank data chart provides information on Questions and Features authored with the ability to filter by time period, Question or Feature type, and Item bank.
- Improvement: easier navigation through Learnosity Console. Redesigned navigation for Learnosity Console allows users to quickly access its most used features. Furthermore, the vertical orientation of the navigation component provides more space for content visibility.
- Improvement: a more intuitive user creation process. The Create User screen within User Management now allows for a progressive process capturing user information in three subsequent steps including general data, site access and selection of user roles and permissions with relevant documentation references.
v1.11.3 – 9th January 2019
- Improvement: sign in directly via the landing page. Updated the Learnosity Console landing page to make signing in to the Learnosity Console the primary action of the page. Learnosity users can still request access to the Learnosity Console via the landing page, however this is now a secondary action.
v1.11.2 – 15th November 2018
- Added a feature: all user management is now in Learnosity Console. We have fully transitioned to managing users via the Learnosity Console Management module. All Author site user management has been deprecated and moved. To access this functionality in Console, users require one of the following Console roles: (Management) User Manager, (Management) Management Admin or Console Admin.
- Added consumer management - LTI self service improvements. An LTI Key and Secret pair can now be added against a Learnosity Consumer Key and Secret pair. This can be actioned in the Management module, Consumers section. This allows users of LTI to self manage linking an LTI key pair to a new or existing Learnosity Consumer pair. To access this functionality in Console, users require one of the following Console roles: (Management) System Administrator, (Management) Management Admin or Console Admin.
- Improvement: updated the Insights Sessions delivered chart to be a line chart. This allows Insights users to better visualise changes in trends for sessions delivered over time. To access this functionality in Console users require one of the following Console roles: Insights Access or Console Admin.
v1.11.1 – 24th October 2018
- Added delegation of the Tag hierarchy manager from Learnosity Console. The new Author site role, Tag Hierarchy Manager is now able to be delegated from Console user management.
v1.11.0 – 17th October 2018
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug related to header size limits that caused a "400 - Request Header Or Cookie Too Large" error for for some users accessing Management module or Author site settings module. Apologies for any inconvenience.
v1.8.0 – 1st August 2018
- Added a new module to manage Author site settings. Console Admins or Console users with the 'Author Site Settings Manager' role can create permission groups in the new module, at an Item bank level. To delegate a user to the permission group, head to the Management module to manage your users.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug with Item Analysis, where the date range was ignored, leading to reports unconditionally covering the whole dataset rather than the selected period. Any previously run analysis will need to be re-run to get accurate data for the desired time range.
v1.7.1 – 11th July 2018
- Added new Insights Module. This is the alpha release of a new module with an overview of your Learnosity usage. Console Admins or Console users with the 'Insights access' role can now access Learnosity usage reports. Starting with 'Sessions Delivered' we're opening up a view for clients to monitor their assessment delivery.
v1.6.2 – 30th May 2018
- Added Learnosity Console Beta period. Preliminary testing and feedback has been collected from the Alpha period, and now begins the rollout period for the Console Beta.
v1.5.0 – 12th April 2018
- Added Learnosity Console site ALPHA period. Alpha testing is underway for the new Learnosity Console. This closed launch includes Features such as a 'Quick View' analytics dashboard, Management Module for Users, Item banks and Consumer configuration, Item Analysis Module and Custom Questions module to manage custom Question and Feature asset proxies.