random.groups - Initialization - Items API

Items API Initialization


Defines groups of Items which specifies which Items should be included, and any additional configuration for that group.

By default, a maximum of 5 GroupObjects can be defined, each containing up to 50 Items. Upon request, these limits can be increased to allow up to 10 GroupObjects, each containing up to 150 Items.


Attribute path random.groups

Type array[GroupObjects]


  • GroupObject object

    • type string

      Sets the type of the group. There are two types of Item groups: "fixed" and "random". Fixed Item groups will serve all Items in the Item group. Random Item groups will serve a specific number of Items in this group.

    • label string

      The label value is only used when authoring Items but is not displayed in the assessment player.

    • items array

      Specify the Items to use in the current group.

      The Items can be specified using the Item reference or provided as an ItemObject as per the items initialization option.

    • deliver number

      The deliver option will determine how many of the Items will be served. This option can only be used and is mandatory in the "random" type group.

    • shuffle_items boolean

      Determine whether the "fixed" type groups should generate Items in a shuffled order. This option only applies to "fixed" type groups.

      Default: false

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