base_question_type.hidden_sections - Initialization - Question Editor API

Question Editor API Initialization


Define which attribute sections should be hidden in this question type. Section delimiters are shown if question editor's global template is set to "debug".

As you can see in the image above, sections are usually subdivided into ".heading", ".content", ".toggle" and ".divider". If you want to hide all parts of a section, simply specify the section name without a subdivider (e.g. "more_options" will hide "more_options.heading", "more_options.content", "more_options.toggle" and "more_options.divider").

Note hidden_sections will override shown so if you want to only hide some attributes in a section, you will need to individually hide each attribute using hidden. If you'd like to specify your own sections, you can use a custom editor layout.


Attribute path base_question_type.hidden_sections

Type array[string]

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