Reports API Methods
Initializes and creates a new instance of Reports API to load and interact with the various report types.
You must use this method in order to initialize Reports API and access its methods and events.
This method returns an instance of the Reports API application object. You can use the returned application instance, referred to as reportsApp
throughout the documentation, to access all Reports API methods.
<!-- On the page, add <div> containers with a unique ID where the reports will be rendered -->
<div class="learnosity-report" id="report-1"></div>
<div class="learnosity-report" id="report-2"></div>
var initializationOptions = { ... };
var callbacks = { ... };
// When init() is called, the reports will be rendered
// into the 'report-1' and 'report-2' containers on the page
var reportsApp = window.LearnosityReports.init(
initializationOptions object
See Reports API Initialization for a full list of options.
callbacks object
See Reports API Initialization Callbacks for a full list of callbacks.
Return value
Type reportsApp