goto - Methods - Reports API

Reports API Methods


Each of the user IDs provided will navigate to the specified item.

The assessment will be automatically started if the student is still on the intro item.

The item is specified by reference (a string) or number (a 1-indexed number).

Important Only applicable to the live-activity-status-by-user report.


  • userArray array[userObject]

    Array of users to be added to the report.

  • itemObject object

    Object containing either an item_number or item_reference property.

    • item_number number

    • item_reference string

    • section_number number

Return value

None (undefined).

Type definitions

  • userObject object

    An object containing the user information required to add that user to a live progress report.

    • id string

      The user id that should be tracked in this report. This is the same user_id used when initializing the Items API.

    • name string

      The user name to be displayed in the UI.

    • hash string

      A sha256 hash of the user_id and consumer secret.

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