question_type_groups - Initialization - Question Editor API

Question Editor API Initialization


Change the default Widget type groups shown in the tile view, for example, Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks (Cloze).

Supply an array with objects defining a group. Each group needs a unique identifier and a name. To override the name and/or icon for the default groups, find the reference (look for the data-groupreference attribute in the DOM) and specify a new name and/or icon. Any new references will be added as additional groups in the tile view.


Attribute path question_type_groups

Type array[QuestionTypeGroupOptions]


  • QuestionTypeGroupOptions object

    An object to override a Question type group.

    • group_icon string

      URL containing an image to be shown as the group icon in the tile view. Image will be scaled to 18px by 18px.

    • name string

      String name to render in the sidebar for this template group.

    • reference string

      Unique identifier for a group.

    • template_references array[string]

      Array of template references used to specify which templates to show, and the order to show them in, within the group in the tile view. If template_references is defined, it overrides the group_reference specified in question_types.

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