submit - Methods - Assess API

Assess API Methods


Saves the user responses in the Learnosity platform, and flags them for grading. This will make them available via the Reports API and Data API.


var submitSettings = {
    success: function (response_ids) {
        // Recieves a list of the submitted user responses as [response_id]
        console.log("submit has been successful", response_ids);
    error: function (e) {
        // Recieves the event object defined in the Event section
        console.log("submit has failed",e);
    progress: function (e) {
        // Client custom progress event handler
        // e: uses the progress object defined bellow
        // See the Progress Event section for more information on this

    // show submit UI (check of unanswered responses, spinner, outro item)
    show_submit_ui: false,

    // when set to true, it skips the check for unanswered responses
    show_submit_confirmation: false,



  • settings object

    The settings argument provides a way to define specific callbacks for events related to the submit operation. You should always use these to ensure that your submit operation completes successfully or at least throws an error.

    • error function

      Is invoked on unsuccessful submission with the event object defined in the event section.

    • success function

      Is invoked on successful submission with an array of response ids as a parameter.

    • progress function

      Client custom progress event handler.

    • show_submit_ui boolean

    • skip_submit_confirmation boolean

Return value

None (undefined).

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