texthighlight.add - Events - Annotations API

Annotations API Events


Triggered whenever a text highlight is added.


annotationsApp.on('texthighlight:add', function (textHighlightInfo) {
    var textHighlightModule = annotationsApp.module('texthighlight');
    var id = textHighlightInfo.id;
    var startElement = textHighlightModule.utils.deserializePath(
    var endElement = textHighlightModule.utils.deserializePath(

    console.log('The text selection with id ' + id + ' ranges between:', startElement, endElement);

Callback arguments

  • id string

    The unique id of the text highlight.

  • startContainerPath string

    A string representing the location of the DOM node that contains the start of the selection.

  • endContainerPath string

    A string representing the location of the DOM node that contains the end of the selection.

  • startOffset number

    The offset, in characters, of the start of the selection within the start container.

  • endOffset number

    The offset, in characters, of the end of the selection within the end container.

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