stickynote.add - Events - Annotations API

Annotations API Events


Triggered when a sticky note is created. Returns the payloadData object for the sticky note, containing the variables listed.


annotationsApp.on('stickynote:add', function (payloadData) {
    console.log('Added a Sticky Note with an ID of ' +;

Callback arguments

  • collectionId string

    A group of sticky notes is known as a collection. The collection id string will be populated from the name of the Item in context. Empty by default.

  • content string

    The text shown inside the sticky note. Empty by default.

  • expanded boolean

    The window state of the sticky note. True = expanded. False = collapsed.

  • height number

    The vertical size of the sticky note window, in pixels.

  • id string

    The unique id of the sticky note that was created.

  • visible boolean

    The visibility state of the sticky note. True = visible. False = invisible.

  • width number

    The horizontal size of the sticky note window, in pixels.

  • x string

    The horizontal position of the top left corner of the sticky note window, in percentage or pixels.

  • y string

    The vertical position of the top left corner of the sticky note window, in percentage or pixels.


Version added: v2018.2.LTS

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