


    "feature_id": "7006",
    "type": "imagetool",
    "image": "protractor"


  • type string

    Use the value 'imagetool' for this field.

    Default: "imagetool"

  • simplefeature_id string

    Default: ""

  • image string

    Supports a protractor, ruler (options below) or a URI to an image.
    Ruler options:

    • ruler-15cm-72dpi
    • ruler-30cm-72dpi
    • ruler-6in-72dpi
    • ruler-12in-72dpi
    • ruler-6in-15cm-72dpi
    • ruler-12in-30cm-72dpi

    DPI refers to dots per inch and is a setting you can choose when exporting images from many graphics design software applications. Make sure to test the ruler against the image you upload to make sure the ruler matches your image.

    Default: "//"

  • rotate boolean

    Renders a rotate icon that is draggable and allows the image rotate.

    Default: true

  • width string

    Width of the image in pixels. Can only be used with custom URI image.

  • height string

    Height of the image in pixels. Can only be used with custom URI image.

  • button boolean

    Renders a button for toggling the image tool.

  • buttonicon string

    Supports a protractor, ruler, generic or a URI to an image.

    Default: "Generic"

  • label string

    Toggle button label text to display.

  • visible boolean

    Overrides the default visibility of the Image Tool when specified.

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