config.administration - Initialization - Items API

Items API Initialization


Enables a password protected dialog containing options for administrators to control the current assessment.

You would want to use this dialog so that a teacher/proctor can physically intervene on a learner's workstation during an assessment, to assist them with various tasks such as, saving and submitting on their behalf, for example.

This dialog contains several controls for the Activity such as extending the session duration, saving, submitting, or discarding and exiting the assessment. The teacher/proctor can also change accessibility settings like color schemes and font size.

To open the dialog, use the following shortcuts:

  • Windows: control + shift + m
  • Mac: control + shift + m


// Enabling the administration dialog
var initializationOptions = {
    "config": {
        "administration": {
            "pwd": "a665a4592042...86f7f7a27ae3",
            "options": {
                "show_exit": true,
                "show_extend": true,
                "show_save": true,
                "show_submit": true
    // ...

// Launch the administration dialog using the public method


Attribute path config.administration

Type object


  • options object

    Available options for the administration dialog.

  • pwd string

    Makes the administration dialog password-protected with the specified value.


Important This option only applies when the rendering_type initialization option is set to "assess".

Important This option is not supported when the rendering_type initialization option is set to "inline".

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