getCurrentItem - Methods - Items API

Items API Methods


Obtains the object data for the current active Item.

You would want to use this method so that you can obtain the attempted status of the current Item, for example.

The returned object includes additional information such as: the current time spent on the Item, assessment player metadata, the content of the Item, and more which can be seen in the example.

Important This method only works when the rendering_type initialization option is set to "assess".


var myCurrentItem = itemsApp.getCurrentItem();

// Returns
    "attempt_status": "not_attempted",
    "active": true,
    "viewed": true,
    "time": 62,
    "feature_ids": ["..."],
    "response_ids": ["..."],
    "user_flagged": false,
    "reference": "formulas",
    "source": {
        "reference": "formulas",
        "organisation_id": 123456
    "content": "...",
    "metadata": {
        "acknowledgements": null,
        "scoring_type": "per-question"
    "questions": [...],
    "features": [...],
    "simplefeature_ids": [],
    "is_last_item": false



Return value

Type object

Complete JSON data for the current Item. See code example.

Related articles

  • The question() method, the method used to access the interface for a specific Question.
  • The feature() method, the method used to access the interface for a specific Feature.
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