getItemScores - Methods - Items API

Items API Methods


Obtains an object containing scores for all Items in the Activity, using rules determined by the Item scoring types that can be:

  • per-question
  • dichotomous
  • dependent

You would want to use this method so that you can display your own custom scoreboard in your application, for example.


var myItemScores = itemsApp.getItemScores();

// Returns
    "myItemReference1": {
        "type": "per-question",
        "score": 1,
        "max_score": 1,
        "question_scores": [{
            "max_score": 1,
            "score": 1
    "myItemReference2": {
        "type": "per-question",
        "score": null,
        "max_score": 5,
        "question_scores": [{
            "max_score": 5,
            "score": null



Return value

Type object

An object where each key is the Item reference and the values are an object containing the scoring data for each Item. See code example.

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