troubleshooting - Events API


Tips and error codes for troubleshooting the Events API

Enabling Events API

Note Events API must be enabled on your consumer in order to work. If you initialize Events API but it is not enabled for your consumer, you will see the following warning in the JavaScript console:

You specified `events: true` in your initialization options, but Events API is not enabled for your consumer. Specify `events: false`, or contact Learnosity support to enable Events API.

Contact Learnosity support to discuss enabling Events API for your consumer.

Events API error codes

The Events API will log error occurrences to the JavaScript console of the browser. These errors can be checked by the following command in the console: LearnosityEvents.errors.

Suggested Solution
Error code: 41001
Response code: 403
Ensure that your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are correct as per those provided by Learnosity.
Error code: 41002
Response code: 403
Ensure that your Consumer Key is correct as per those provided by Learnosity.
Error code: 41003
Response code: 403
Ensure that your Consumer Key and secret and domain are correct as per those provided by Learnosity, and ensure that your signature generation matches that provided in the Security and Authentication section.
Error code: 41004
Response code: 403
Ensure that your timestamp is within a 3 hour period of current UTC Time.
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