A Tour of the Views in Learnosity Authoring

When developing an app using Learnosity Authoring, you can make use of various views, or user interface screens. Here's a list of the available views:

  1. Activity list view
  2. Activity editor view
    1. New Activity view
    2. Edit Activity view
  3. Activity editor additional views
    1. Item picker view
    2. Intro picker & Outro picker views
    3. Resource picker view
  4. Item list view
  5. Item editor view
    1. New Item view
    2. Edit Item view
  6. Widget editor - Tile view
  7. Widget editor view
    1. New widget view
    2. Edit widget view


Navigation between views

The below diagram shows how the different views are connected. The API is usually initalized in the Item list view (default) or Activity list view - that is configurable via the mode initialization option.


Diagram showing the connection between views

1. Activity list view

This view presents the list of Activities to the author, where they can browse, search and select the desired Activity for editing.

Item List View.png

2. Activity editor view

2.1 New Activity view

This view is shown when an author presses the "+ Create" button from the Activity list view.

Ultimately it's the same view as the Activity editor view, just without pre-populated data.

New Activity View.png

2.2 Edit Activity view

This view presents the Activity editor interface to the author, for making changes to an Activity. This is shown when the author clicks on an Activity from the Activity list view.

Edit Activity View.png

By clicking "Preview", authors can see a preview of how the Activity will render as an assessment (See screenshot below).

Note: the initial screen can be configured to either show the Edit or Preview screen by default by setting the initialization option config.activity_edit.mode.default.


Activity Editor View.png

3. Activity editor additional views

3.1. Item picker view

This view is shown when authors click "Find items" button from the Activity editor view.

Activity Editor View.png

3.2. Intro picker & Outro picker view

This view is shown when authors click "Welcome screen (customize)" or "Exit screen (customize)" buttons from the New Activity view. They show the same screen, but will add chosen Item to relevant configuration.

It looks very similar to the Item picker view, except only 1 Item can be chosen.

Intro Picker & Outro Picker Views.png


3.3. Resource picker view

This view is shown when authors click "Resource Item" Select button from the New Activity view.

 It looks very similar to the Intro/Outro picker view, just with an additional information banner.

Resource Picker View.png


4. Item list view

This view presents the list of Items to the author, where they can browse, search and select the desired Item for editing.

Item List View.png


5. Item editor view

5.1 New Item view

This view is shown when an author presses the "+ Create" button from the Item list view.

Authors can also get to this view via the "+ Create Item" button in the Activity editor view.

Ultimately it's the same view as the Item editor view, just without pre-populated data.

New Item View.png

5.2 Edit Item view

This view presents the Item editor interface to the author, for making changes to an Item. This is shown when the author clicks on an Item from the Item list view.

By clicking "Preview", authors can see a preview of how the Item will render in an assessment.

Note: the initial screen can be configured to either show the Edit or Preview screen by default by setting the initialization option config.item_edit.item.mode.default.

Item Editor View.png


6. Widget editor - Tile view

This view is shown when an author presses the "+ Add New" button from the New Item view.

Question Tile View.png


7. Widget editor view

7.1 New widget view

This view is shown when an author clicks on any of the Tiles from the Tile view of Question templates.

Ultimately it's the same view as the Widget editor view, just with default data from the template.

7.2 Edit widget view

This view is shown when an author clicks on the "Edit" (pencil icon) of a widget in the Item editor view.

Edit Widget View.png






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